95862 - Optimizing Economic and Environmental Effectiveness

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Beatrice Mecca (Modulo 1) Stefano Stanzani (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Architecture and Creative Practices for the City and Landscape (cod. 5809)

Learning outcomes

Once completed the course, the student owns an adequate knowledge of the principles and knows how to apply the methods to be used to draw up cost-benefit analyses relating to the economic-environmental effects expected from the planned interventions.

Course contents

The teaching is included in the Integrated Lab "Making the city resilient" and represents the economic core of the integrated course, while the course "Low-energy buildings and cities" represents its technical-scientific core. In conjunction with the two courses, the supplementary teaching "Environmental Design for Future Cities" forms the environmental core.

The course aims to provide students with knowledge related to estimative and evaluative theories and methods for investigating the costs and benefits of interventions to transform the built environment. The course will focus on: economic aspects of describing and planning resilient cities; assessments to support decision-making in the sustainable urban and architectural context through indicators and multi-criteria analysis; economic evaluation of projects.

Course schedule:

  • Economy and innovation: industrial revolutions
  • Indicators and Sustainable and Resilient Cities
  • Supply and demand, estimation criteria
  • Purposes and characteristics of evaluations in urban and spatial decision-making processes
  • SWOT analysis
  • Measuring and Evaluating Urban Sustainability: The Indicator Tool
  • Cities and architectural spaces in the sustainable context: sustainable dimensions/values
  • Appraisal references (methods)
  • Multicriteria analysis
  • Environmental valuation (introduction)


Lectures and additional scholarly articles available on the in the Virtual platform

Roscelli R. (a cura di), 2014, Manuale di Estimo, Valutazioni Economiche ed Esercizio della professione, Utet, Torino

Belton V., Stewart T.J. (2002), Multiple Criteria Decision Analysis: An Integrated Approach, Kluwer Academic Press, Boston

Roscelli, R. (2005) Misurare nell’incertezza. Valutazioni e trasformazioni territoriali, Celid, Torino

Saaty, T.L. (1980) The Analytic Hierarchy Process ; McGraw Hill: New York, NY, USA

Maria Karagianni (2013) Making Thessaloniki Resilient? The Enclosing Process of the Urban Green Commons; Urban Planning (ISSN: 2183–7635) 2023, Volume 8, Issue 1, Pages 346–360

Vittorio Gallerani - Manuale di Estimo 2/ed - McGraw Hill, Milano 2011

Egor Selivanov, Petra Hlaváčková (2019) Methods for monetary valuation of ecosystem services: A scoping review Journal of Forest Science, 67, 2021 (11): 499–511

Teaching methods

Teaching activities include frontal lectures and classroom work.

Assessment methods

The learning assessment will be carried out by means of a final examination, which will consist of a written report produced in group.

The final assessment will take into account the learning outcomes achieved by the student on the contents of all the parts that make up the course programme.

Teaching tools

Lectures with use of multimedia tools, integrated with scientific articles and additional bibliographic references. Slides used to support lectures will be made available on the Virtual Teaching Platform.

Office hours

See the website of Beatrice Mecca

See the website of Stefano Stanzani