- Docente: Riccardo Silvi
- Credits: 9
- SSD: SECS-P/07
- Language: English
- Moduli: Riccardo Silvi (Modulo 1) Matteo Golfarelli (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Cesena
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
Digital Transformation Management (cod. 5815)
Also valid for Campus of Forli
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Business Administration and Sustainability (cod. 5944)
from Feb 17, 2025 to Mar 21, 2025
from Feb 18, 2025 to Jun 10, 2025
Learning outcomes
This course provides a relevant knowledge for comprehending the dynamics of business performance, exploring and exploiting new and alternative opportunities of value creation through and in combination with the systematic use of multiple sources of data, analytical methods. The course also provides the skills to design and implement the business intelligence platform that enables information fruition. At the end of this course students will be able to: •To provide a relevant knowledge for developing an analytical business performance management. •To comprehend the role of performance measures in the design of business models and in their effective management •To understand performance dynamics and drivers •To combine and apply analytical tools and techniques with performance measures to support strategic, process and operational management •To introduce Big Data and Analytics in Performance Management . • To design of a business performance management system • To design a Data Warehouse • To carry out OLAP analyses • To carry out data source integration and data extraction
Course contents
Module 1 - Business Performance Analytics
- Performance Measurement Systems, Performance Management Systems, Performance Management Analytics
- Business performance analytics: definition and areas of application
- Type of business performance analytics: supply chain analytics, internal analytics, customer analytics, external analytics
- Financial analytics, cost analytics, revenue analytics
- Strategic management accounting techniques for business performance analytics
- Analytical tools for business analysis and performance management
- The design of business performance analytical system
Module 2 - Business intelligence
- Introduction to Information Systems
- From process to data
- IS classification
- The application portfolio
- CIM systems
- ERP systems
- CRM systems
- Business intelligence:
- the role of BI in the corporate information system;
- the BI pyramid.
- Data Warehousing:
- architectures;
- techniques for data analysis;
- lifecycle:
- data source analysis;
- requirement analysis;
- conceptual design;
- workload and data volume;
- logical design;
- design of ETL procedures;
- physical design.
Articles (TBA)
Book chapters (TBA)
Details will be available in the e-learning web site of the course
Teaching methods
Lectures, seminars and case studies analysis
Assessment methods
Written test and project work (Module 1)
Written test with open questions and exercises (module 2)
Grades are assigned on the basis of an overall assessment of knowledge, skills, presentation and discussion skills of the topics covered. The ranges of grades correspond can be described as follows:
18-23: the student has sufficient preparation and analytical skills, spread however, over just few topics taught in the course, the overall jargon is correct
24-27: the student shows and adequate preparation at a technical level with some doubts over the topics. Good, yet not to articulate analytical skills with the use of a correct jargon
28-30: Great knowledge about most of the topics taught in the course, good critical and analytical skills, good usage of the specific jargon
30L: excellent and in depth knowledge of all the topics in the course, excellent critical and analytical skills, excellent usage of specific jargon
Teaching tools
Powerpoint class presentations, laboratory and use of analytics software, additional readings, sources and information about the program, case studies are available in the e-learning web site ( https://elearning-cds.unibo.it [http://https//elearning-cds.unibo.it] )
Office hours
See the website of Riccardo Silvi
See the website of Matteo Golfarelli

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.