- Docente: Nicola Bonazzi
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)
Course contents
The Ofa course is designed as an integration to the Italian literature and language programs of the first year of the course and subsequent years.
The course, curated by Dr. Stefania Rocco, aims to develop understanding and production of academic texts of different types and specialties, with particular attention to the linguistic and discursive aspects of the documents produced. Specific attention will be paid to the acquisition of skills related to the construction of the summary and argumentative text, the most frequent academic text types.
General course contents
1. Differences between written and spoken language.
2. Varieties and registers of contemporary Italian.
3. The construction of written texts: text and paragraph; punctuation; connectives and signals of speech organization; grammatical insights.
4. Writing techniques: the summary, the argumentative text.
N.B.: those who have obtained an Ofa debt must first pass the exam of the Ofa course to take the exam of Italian literature and language of Professor Bonazzi
During the course, the material on which the lessons and exercises will be carried out in person and at home will be provided. All material will be uploaded to Virtual.
For non-attending students: the access key to the Virtual will be provided to access the study material. The test will include additional activities compared to those attending students and will be based on the text by F. Gatta, Handbook of writing, Bononia University Press.
Teaching methods
The course consists of 24 hours of classroom lessons and work and comparison in small groups and independently; projection of cards and power point; photocopies of specialist materials and articles. Work independently: ongoing production of various types of texts. Only those who have produced the assigned homework will be able to access the final exam. The lessons will be frontal and include the projection of cards and power point.
Assessment methods
The verification of learning will take place through an oral exam with open questions and practical exercises on the material covered during the course.
The OFA support laboratory of Italian is integrated with the teaching of Italian literature and language. The exam of this discipline can be carried out only after passing the OFA verification test, which certifies the achievement of specific skills in Italian.
Those who decide to attend the Workshops must:
- enroll in the laboratory on Almaesami starting from December 2024;
- show up for the first lesson by declaring to the teacher their intention to attend;
- guarantee attendance of at least 70% of the laboratory hours.
Participation in the OFA support workshops is highly recommended for all those who have received one or two debts. The first appeals useful for passing the OFA will be held immediately after the end of the support workshop.
The assessment consists of a suitability/unsuitability judgment.
Those who are eligible will be able to take the exam in Italian literature and language held by Professor Bonazzi
Teaching tools
Projection of cards, power point, photocopies of materials and specialist articles
Office hours
See the website of Nicola Bonazzi
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.