- Docente: Pietro Manzini
- Credits: 9
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Dec 06, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course is aimed at offering a general overview of EU law. More precisely, the objective is to provide the students with the necessary tools for a full understanding of the complex mechanisms that govern its functioning. The students will be able to critically analyse EU acts and the case law of the Court of Justice of the European Union, understand the relevant legal issues, represent them orally and interact with the other classmates.
Course contents
The course aims to cover in a balanced way all the most significant issues of European Union law, taking into account the latest developments. First, the institutional profile of the Union will be examined, in particular with regard to its policy-making and legislative functions. The judicial function will then be analysed by analysing the composition and powers of the Court of Justice. In this framework, the European protection of certain fundamental rights enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental Rights of the European Union will be examined, with reference to its substantive and procedural aspects.
Students not attending regularly the class
For the general part: R. Adam, A. Tizzano, Lineamenti di Diritto dell'Unione Europea, Giappichelli, 2022.
For the part relating to the substantive law: P. Manzini. Diritto antitrust dell'Unione europea, Giappichelli 2022, chapters. I, II, III, V e VI).
Students regularly attending the class .
Attending students may not submit the following parts of the program for examination:
- Text 1: Adam - Tizzano:
Part III, Chapter IV
Part IV, (all)
Who are the attending students?
They are students that have signed at least 5 times the 'attendance sheet' circulated by the Professor on a stachastic basis.
Teaching methods
Frontal lectures and class discussion of the topic object of the lesson, with a case study method.
Attending the course is highly recommended as it allows a more in-depth and complete learning of the subject. Attendance therefore allows for a reduction of study material, as specified above.
Assessment methods
Assessment methods
Learning will be constantly monitored through discussions and debates in the classroom.
The students’ knowledge is assessed through a discussion, to evaluate the actual achievement of the learning outcomes. The exam consists in an interview with the appointed commission on the topics included in the programme.
The assessment will take into account the knowledge of the relevant institutional framework, the ability to analyse doctrinal and court decisions and, to single out connections between the relevant topics, to critical reasoning, as well as the clarity of presentation and critical thinking.
The course is held in the first semester and therefore those who mature the certificate of attendance in the current A.A. will be able to take the exam from January.
Teaching tools
The lessons are held by the Professor with the support of power points.
The Professor's slides will not be made available, because the exam must be prepared using the recommended texts and on the notes taken during the lesson.
Office hours
See the website of Pietro Manzini