- Docente: Roberta Caldin
- Credits: 8
- SSD: M-PED/03
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)
from Sep 17, 2024 to Nov 16, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of this course students will be able to:
- recognize and identify an epistemological and theoretical framework that concerns the educational work with people with disabilities;
- know the genesis of Special Pedagogy and recognizes its main key historical moments over time until today;
- know operational tools useful to search for material and documentation to obtain more information and data about the cultural context to which the person with a disability belongs;
- know strategies and methodologies for the development of inclusive processes as well as the main research perspectives of special pedagogy promote (active participation and independent living as main goals);
- know the main intervention models for inclusive education according to a co-evolutionary, ecological, and systemic perspective of people with disabilities;
- know the precondition for educational cooperation between families and territories;
- create and manage working processes between agencies and actors involved;
- activate synergies with agencies and institutions in the area, as well as with other realities inside other life contexts, to build a network characterize by interinstitutional work and proximity to the person with a disability;
- know the functions of supporters and mediators inside educational processes and the distinctive elements of the helping relationship;
- is able to integrate his/her knowledge according to changes in regulations and international guidelines on issues related to the disability;
- interact and built a relationship with people with disabilities, applying a reflective and "problematic" attitude.
Course contents
Main contents:
- roots and educational perspectives of Special Pedagogy.
- Disabilities, families, services.
- Educational approaches and inclusive perspectives to ensure equal opportunities for access and participation to the people with disabilities.
Specific contents:
- deficits, disabilities, handicap
- Services and helping specialist
- Families and life projects.
e-Learning modules (6 hours. Delivered through "Virtuale", the UniBo digital learning environments)
It's mandatory - for all attending and non-attending students - to complete all of the e-learning modules, related to international references and study materials: ICF, UN Convention, Index for Inclusion. The study of e-Learning materials will be verified during the exam.
- Caldin R. (a cura di), Pedagogia Speciale e didattica speciale. Le origini, lo stato dell'arte, gli scenari futuri, 1, Erickson, Trento, 2020.
- Caldin R., Cinotti A., Serra F. (a cura di), Disabilità, famiglie e servizi. Impegni di alleanza, esperienze di valutazione, Edizioni del Rosone, Foggia, 2017 (PARTE PRIMA: pp. 0-188; PARTE SECONDA: 2 contributi a scelta).
The contents of the volumes will be presented in the classroom.
Teaching methods
In this course (carried out interactively) meetings with other teachers who are experts in the proposed contents, the illustration of life stories, testimonies are also foreseen.
Assessment methods
The test, for attendees and not, will be carried out as follows.
in the classroom: analysis and written revision of some educational topics taken from the basic reference texts chosen by teachers. The time available to write the paper will be 1 hour and a half (90 minutes), with 2 (two) questions for each proposed text. The answers cannot exceed 15 (fifteen) lines each. In the written test, students should also refer to the international documents (ICF, UN Convention, Index for Inclusion), located in the "Virtual" platform. These materials will be studied by students during the 6 (six) hours of e-learning modules.
The following criteria will be considered for evaluation:
- the ability to elaborate (critically) what has been studied and viewed: here, we require a personal reflection, not a brief synthesis of the contents;
- the coherence and accuracy of language;
- the conceptual clarity of what has been presented;
- the ability to connect the contents studied to some personal or professional experiences related to this field of study.
Teaching tools
Learning tools
Teaching materials delivered with "Virtuale" LMS platform, accessible with personal ID and password.
Office hours
See the website of Roberta Caldin

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.