28599 - Technologies of Education

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Expert in Social and Cultural Education (cod. 5726)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - is familiar with the debate on the knowledge society and the development of information and communication technologies; - knows how to analyze new technological applications on the basis of problematic didactic models; - knows how to compare and choose educational mediation technologies appropriate to the contexts and interlocutors with whom he/she works; - knows theories and interpretative tools of telematics communication and knows how to insert them into educational intervention projects; - knows how to participate in learning communities and communities of practice to explore issues of professional interest; - knows how to use information technology tools to document and update his or her professional background; - knows how to situate the overall perspectives of social networking within the framework of the scenarios of an active and co-constructive education; - knows how to deal with the new tools from the perspective of a critical and aware media education.

Course contents

The course is in Italian and it will be in the first semester.

The course places the problem of contemporary educational technologies in the debate on the profound transformation of the instruments of educative communication and teaching mediation within an overall expansion and redefinition of the concept of education. In this context, the course critically analyzes all the instrumental and methodological opportunities where educators are called to exercise their right-duty choice according to the quality of the services objectives and projects they work for and the quality of specific contents of their training programme.

From a general reconnaissance on various interpretative models of educational technologies, the course proposes:

a) to analyze the concepts of multimedia, interactivity, transmediality, crossmediality characteristic of the new educational environments with high computer content;
b) to identify the new perspectives of didactic professionalism for educators/trainers called to move consciously in the complex panorama of new technologies;
c) to know and apply the trialogical approach (Paavola, Hakkareinen, 2005) that emphasizes the intentional processes of collaborative construction of knowledge mediated by the use of technologies and aimed at the construction of knowledge objects, with the aim of developing the skills necessary to meet the challenges of the knowledge society.
d) to know and use the main frameworks on digital skills (TPack; DiGComp 2.1; DiGCompOrg; DiGCompEdu) for the formation of active and responsible citizens, with particular reference to the group of 'digital natives';
e) to design educational interventions aimed at different users that have as their goal the acquisition of a responsible and aware use of the media;
f) to address the problem of the technological qualification of the educational experience lived in the new context of development of telematic tools, with particular reference to the scenarios of e-learning, MOOCs (Massive Open Online Courses), artificial intelligence (AI).

t is also intended to outline the main lines of evolution of the pedagogical-didactic debate on media education, from its origins to the current historical period in which the mass media converge in the complexity of the digital world, to reach the formulation of a problematic didactic model.

The course is part of the innovative didactic experimentation proposed by the University: the students, divided into groups, will try their hand, starting from a topic and socio-educational field of their interest as future social and cultural educators, in the construction of an educational scenario, designing educational interventions and digital artifacts aimed at different users that have as their goal the acquisition of a responsible and aware use of the media from a New Media Literacy perspective.
Students, during the first lessons, will choose their own working group. Digital environments useful for collaborative work will be provided and the 'weight' of the teaching activities within the University experiment, on the final grade, will be indicated.


For students participating in the Erasmus program at Unibo, the examination mode will be oral.

Teaching methods

The course is part of the University's proposed experiment in innovative teaching: the proposed teaching methodology draws on co-constructive approaches to learning. In particular, students, divided into groups, will try their hand, starting from a socio-educational topic and field of their interest as future social and cultural educators, in the construction of an educational scenario, researching and deepening individually and in groups of multimedia materials and teaching resources, discussing with colleagues in plenary and small groups, formulating ideas and research hypotheses together with the members of their group , co-constructing digital artifacts. These artifacts will be progressively improved through feedback received and provided to colleagues (anonymously) and formative evaluation (in itinere) by the teacher.
These activities place students and students in active and collaborative learning situations, which stimulate meta-reflective approach to their own practices and, together, the acquisition of individual, social and digital skills essential at the existential and professional level for the future and future social and cultural educator and educator.

Assessment methods

The assessment consists of an oral exam in which students will have to test their knowledge of the bliography. Erasmus students will have a reduced exam program to be agreed with the teacher.

Teaching tools

Virtual Platform for delivery of textual, multimedia, audio-visual materials, presentation of individual and group activities; Web Forum; Google Suite for creation of a workbook for each group for material storage and collaborative writing (wiki); Microsoft Teams platform for plenary lecture and online group work through setting up a room for each group; use of interactive websites and applications such as Mentimeter, Padlet, etc.

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Fabbri


Quality education Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.