91184 - Food and Society

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Dietistic (cod. 8470)

Learning outcomes

Evolution of food consumption patterns and consumer behavior; role played by the qualitative and health aspects in the context of food choices.

Course contents


  • Geopolitics of diets

First module: policies and governance of the agro-food system

  •  The Common Agricultural Policy: rationale, phases and evolution
  • Agri-food policies in Europe: Who decides? Governance and functioning of the trilogue
  • The European Union and the world: dialogue and controversies through the WTO
  • Local and urban food policies: case studies
  • Critical consumption: SCMOs and Alternative Food Networks
  • Food deserts and food justice

Second Module: competition for natural resources and impact of the agro-food system

  • Agricultural production and environmental impacts
  • Food System Environmental impacts and the nine planetary boundaries
  • Food system impacts and competition for natural resources (case studies)


During the course the teacher will upload specific didactic material online (on the IOL portal), to be integrated to the notes taken during the lessons.

For further bibliographical references, the following reference texts are recommended:

Suggested books
Segrè A., Policies for agricultural development and food security, Carocci editore, Rome, 2008.
Lang T. and Heasman M. Food Wars, Earthscan, London, 2004.
Alkon A. and Agyeman J. Cultivating Food Justice. Race, Class and Sustainability, MIT press, Cambridge, Massachusetts, 2011.

Scientific articles
During the course articles, reports and supplementary texts will be illustrated and proposed.

Teaching methods

Lectures, seminars.

Assessment methods

Discussion of about half an hour on the program contents and the bibliographic references illustrated during classes. Languages ITA/ ENG /SPA, according to the student's preference. 

Teaching tools

All the lessons are carried out with the support of PPT presentation.

Office hours

See the website of Luca Falasconi


Zero hunger Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.