33925 - Industrial Systems M

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 5724)

Learning outcomes

Students know general criteria and quantitative methods for the feasibility study, design, management and assessment of modern industrial plans.

Course contents


Definitions and concept of industrial plant

Classification and taxonomy of industrial plants and production systems

Production strategies

General framework for the feasibility study and design of industrial plants



Concept of feasibility study and its operative phases

Market analysis: short-, mid- and long-term

Statistical analysis and samplings

Correlation analysis and economic indicators

Marker demand, past trend assessment, cyclical and seasonal effects

Extrapolation, floating averages and weighted floating averages, exponential smoothing

KPIs and coefficients: MAE, MAPE, RMSE

From the market demand to production target

Product life cycle and product design: functional, shape and process projects

Notes on the technological cycle and auxiliary production resources


Cost classification

Profit diagrams (unitary and global charts)

Cash-flow, revenue, cost, profit and margin

Amortization and amortization plan

NPV, IRR and payback period to assess the economic profitability of industrial plants



P-Q analysis and layout

Flow-shop, Job-shop and Mixed layout: features pro & cons

Group technology and product families

Design of manufacturing lined and departments

Production-oriented curve by volume and value

4.0 manufacturing systems: FMS and RMS, workstations, operators, buffers

Design of manufacturing cells: analytical methods and machine-robot chart

Design and balancing of manual, automated and flexible (FAS) assembly lines, exact methods (ALB1 and ALB2) and heuristics (Largest-Candidate Rule, Kilbridge and Wester, Ranked Positional Weights)

Assessment of the space requirement

Approaches to generate layout alternatives and selection criteria

Notes on criteria to locate industrial plants


Recommended book (in Italian):

A. Pareschi. (2007). Impianti Industriali - Criteri di Scelta, Progettazione e Realizzazione (2° edizione). Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. ISBN: 978-88-7488-234-2.

Additional readings by the lecturers

Other books for individual additional study (in Italian):

A. Pareschi, E. Ferrari, A. Persona, A. Regattieri. (2011). Logistica Integrata e Flessibile per i sistemi produttivi dell’industria e del terziario con applicazioni numeriche e progettuali (2° edizione). Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. ISBN: 978-88-7488-464-3.

R.F. Jacobs, R.B. Chase, A. Grando, A. Sianesi. (2020). Operations Management nella Produzione e nei Servizi (4° edizione). Mc Graw-Hill, Milano. ISBN: 978-88-386-9563-6.

A. Brandolese, A. Pozzetti, A. Sianesi. (1991). Gestione della Produzione Industriale – Principi, Metodologie, Applicazioni e Misure di Prestazione. Hoepli, Milano. ISBN: 88-203-1902-0.

D.J. Bowersox, D.J. Closs, O.K. Helferich. (1989). Logistica – Strategia e Integrazione in Azienda. Tecniche Nuove, Milano. ISBN: 88-7081-346-0.

A.F. de Toni, R. Panizzolo. (2018). Sistemi di Gestione della Produzione. Isedi, De Agostini Scuola, Novara. ISBN: 978-88-8008-382-5.

A. Payaro. (2022). Logistica Pratica – Concetti Essenziali per la Comprensione e la Gestione della Logistica e della Supply Chain. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. ISBN: 978-88-9385-293-7.

F. Mocellin (2011). La Gestione delle Scorte e del Magazzino – Metodi Logistici per il Lean Manufacturing. Franco Angeli, Milano. ISBN: 978-88-917-4476-0.

J. Bicheno, A.P. Staudacher. (2009). Metodologie e Tecniche per la Lean. Pitagora Editrice, Bologna. ISBN: 88-371-1744-4.

A. Brun, M. Casadio Strozzi. (2020). Manuale Six Sigma per le Green Belt. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. ISBN: 978-88-9385-220-3.

A. Brun, M. Casadio Strozzi. (2020). Manuale Six Sigma per le Black Belt. Società Editrice Esculapio, Bologna. ISBN: 978-88-9385-240-1.

Teaching methods

The class includes teaching lessons, practical applications, case studies and numerical applications.

Assessment methods

The assessment is made of a final exam to check knowledge and abilities. The final exam is by a written paper.

In the written paper, students are asked to solve n.2 numerical applications, given the knowledge of the contents behind them, togegher with the discussion of one or more topics/questions on the class theory and concepts.

Teaching tools

The reference web platform for the teaching material is VIRTUALE updated step-by-step during the class lessons.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Bortolini


Quality education Decent work and economic growth Industry, innovation and infrastructure Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.