- Docente: Mattia Casula
- Credits: 8
- SSD: SPS/04
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)
from Sep 18, 2024 to Dec 19, 2024
Learning outcomes
This course traces the contributions that have characterized the debate on organizational thinking during the 20th century. Beginning with an analysis of the processes and social dynamics existing in organizational settings, the course will address the main issues characterizing complex organizations, with a focus on actors and their strategies of action, norms, decisions, resources and technologies. Upon completion of the course, the student: - knows the theoretical and analytical tools for the study and understanding of organizational phenomena; - can analyze the main organizations and the contexts, social, political-institutional and economic, in which they operate; - is able to delve into some central problems of organizational dynamics, such as decision-making processes, the behavior of actors (individual and collective) and organizational reactions under conditions of ambiguity and uncertainty; - understands the critical issues of organizational change and learning processes; - possesses the skills to analyze and discuss, independently, examples and empirical cases.
Course contents
This course introduces the study of complex organizations through the presentation of the main approaches inherent in organization theory, as well as the definition and analysis of its fundamental concepts. The theoretical content will be illustrated by numerous case studies and exercises that will invite the student to become familiar with the organizational theories expounded.
The first part of the course will cover the following theoretical topics: the concept of organization; organizational structure; the relationship between organization and environment; power and control; organizational culture; and processes of change and innovation.
The second part of the course will be devoted to the presentation and discussion of a number of case studies that will explore one or more of the topics addressed during the first part of the course. The proposed case studies will relate to organizations operating in both the public and private sectors. Ample space for in-depth study will be devoted to the topic of organizational culture. Having seminar mode, this second part requires active student participation that will contribute to the final assessment.
- Catino M. and Tirabeni L. (2023), Fondamenti di organizzazione, Il Mulino, Bologna [chapters selected by the lecturer, as indicated on virtuale.unibo.it].
- Schein E. and Schein P.A. (2021), Culture d'impresa, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milan [chapters selected by the lecturer, as indicated on virtuale.unibo.it].
- Schein P.A. (2018), Cultura d'azienda e leadership, Raffaello Cortina editore, Milan [chapters selected by the lecturer, as indicated on virtuale.unibo.it].
- Scientific articles selected by the lecturer and made available on virtuale.unibo.it
- Lecture materials and lecture slides made available on virtuale.unibo.it
Teaching methods
Traditional frontal lectures will be alternated with the analysis and discussion of case studies, also with the presence of experts in the field. The pedagogical approach predominantly adopted is inductive in nature: starting from the analysis of organizational problems and/or studies of specific organizations, an attempt is made to conceptualize and construct interpretive theory and related suggestions related to the management of complex organizations.
Class attendance is strongly recommended. Lecture slides and additional lecture materials (case studies and exercises) will be uploaded to virtuale.unibo.it.
Assessment methods
For students who regularly attend classes, the final grade will take into account the following parameters:
- Written midterm on the first part of the course (50% of the final grade);
- In-class participation and presentation of case studies and their organizational culture (30% of the final grade);
- Short final oral exam on the second part of the course (20% of the final grade).
For students NOT regularly attending class, the final exam will be written on the entire exam syllabus.
For all students, the assessment will consider the ability to: a) appropriately use the theoretical and methodological tools acquired during the course; b) master scientifically adequate language to interpret the main directions of complex organizations; c) make correct connections between different topics covered in the course; d) discuss and present scientific papers; e) contextualize individual case studies within the main contemporary organizational theories. For the purpose of grade graduation, the following criteria will be considered:
- 30 cum laude (outstanding achievement, demonstrating extraordinary mastery of all material and many original contributions)
- 28-30 (very good result, demonstrating excellent mastery of all the material and some original contributions)
- 26-27 (very good result, demonstrating solid mastery of all the material)
- 24-25 (good result, showing good mastery of some material)
- 21-23 (satisfactory result, demonstrating partial understanding of material)
- 18-20 (sufficient result, demonstrating just sufficient mastery of the material)
- 17 or lower (poor result, demonstrating insufficient understanding of the material)
Teaching tools
- Power point slides
- Consultation of websites and online archives
- Presentation and discussion of case studies
- Suggested readings and articles for further study
- Thematic seminars given by consultants and experts
Office hours
See the website of Mattia Casula
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.