- Docente: Chiara Alvisi
- Credits: 8
- SSD: IUS/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Media, Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 5703)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Nov 26, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the students will be able to understand the adversting and marketing regulations applicable at the national and international level; they will be able to identify the relevant courts and sector-specific authorities, which can be seized against national and trans-national misleading, hidden or unfair advertising; they will be able to use this knowledge to plan information and marketing strategies.
Course contents
1. Introduction to advertising law (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
2. Self-Regulatory Organisations (SRO) and general legal system (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary)
3. Advertising Self-Regulation. The Institute of Advertising Self-regulation: the Jury, the Code, the Control Committee, the Code acceptance, the self-regulatory procedure (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
4. The citizens protection against the unfair advertising (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
5. The consumers protection against misleading advertising (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
6. The consumers protection against hidden advertising either offline and online (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
7. The protection of businesses and competitors (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
8. The ADV contracts (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
9. Digital Advertising (namely the topics listed in the Italian summary).
The students are required to use the textbook below indicated as mandatory:
C. Alvisi e V. Guggino (editors), Autodisciplina pubblicitaria. La soft law della pubblicità italiana, Giappichelli editore, Torino, 2020
It's also mandatory to make reference to the course syllabus, and namely to the courts precedents and essays included therein
Teaching methods
The course will be mainly delivered through lectures.
Case-law and academic essays will be uploaded on Virtuale immediately before or after the lectures and workshops, to let the students to have prompt access to the materials focused during each lecture.
During the course will be arranged mock-up presentations concerning advertisements and ad campaigns already assessed by the Jury or other relevant courts.
Special workshops can be arranged with experts as special guests. The students will be informed of that during the course and also through notices published on the professor's website.
Assessment methods
Students skills will be assessed both through their performances in the mock-up presentations during the workshops and a multiple choice test at the end of the course. Students who wish to refuse the grade they have got in passing the exam (i.e. grade 18 or above) and reseat will be allowed to do so only once.
Teaching tools
syllabus, slides, materials uploaded on the professor's IOL web-site, web-resources, projector.
Office hours
See the website of Chiara Alvisi
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.