67998 - Italian Language and Literature

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Nicola Bonazzi
  • Credits: 8
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/10
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Primary Teacher Education (cod. 5711)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the methodological foundations of the study applied to literature; - possess the use of the main technical tools (philological, linguistic, critical) useful for the evaluation of a literary text; - will know how to approach the literary document, understand its messages, relate them to the historical and linguistic context in which it was produced, in an interdisciplinary perspective; - will be able to propose a personal hypothesis on the teaching of literary material, to clearly communicate information and ideas to non-specialist interlocutors, such as the recipients of the teaching, pupils aged 3 to 10.

Course contents

The course will deal with some of the main authors of the Italian literary tradition (Dante, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Tasso, Goldoni, Leopardi, Manzoni, Pirandello, Svevo), pointing out the points of interest of each author's poetics in relation to the essential texts of their production. The main rewrites for children will be indicated for each proposed work: these are generally works of great value, which are able to bring little girls closer to our most famous books, but also more distant in content or linguistic guise from childhood tastes.

The last part of the course will illustrate some children's texts written by great authors of the twentieth century who only occasionally dealt with writings of this type, managing however, by virtue of their peculiar style and the coherence of their narrative universe, to produce works of great quality. As part of this part, the student will have to read one of the chosen works presented during the lessons, the list of which can be found below, in the Texts/Bibliography section


The aim of the course is to enable students to critically review scholastic knowledge, reflecting on the concept of canon and the relationship between language and literature (exploring the forms through which the literary text recreates the meanings of human experience), and to form the basic skills useful for analyzing a literary text (recognizing its otherness and distance).



Volumes scheduled for the general part:

G. M. Anselmi, L. Chines (edited by), Leggere i classici italiani. Un'antologia, Bologna, Pàtron, 2019 (only the chapters on Dante, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Tasso, Goldoni, Manzoni, Leopardi, Svevo, Pirandello)

The authors studied in the anthology (therefore Dante, Boccaccio, Ariosto, Tasso, Goldoni, Manzoni, Leopardi, Svevo, Pirandello) must be studied in depth through an Italian literature manual. We recommend:

N. Bonazzi, A. Campana, F. Giunta, N. Maldina, Itinerari nella letteratura italiana. Da Dante al web, Rome, Carocci, 2013 (and subsequent editions)

Lecture notes made available with illustrative cards and power points on the platform virtual.unibo.it

On linguistic registers and the differences between written and oral Italian:

E. Lombardi Vallauri, Parlare l'Italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999 and subsequent editions (only the chapters Problemi di stile: pp.93-113; Gradi di formalità. Sapersi cambiare d'abito: pp. 117-152; Problemi del mezzo scritto e parlato: pp. 191-229)

It will also be worth reading, as an in-depth look at the institutional part:

D. Canfora, Invitation to literature, Bologna, Il Mulino, 2017.

Finally, one of the following texts must be read in its entirety:

E. Morante – Le straordinarie avventure di Caterina (Einaudi)

L. Malerba – Mozziconi + Le galline pensierose (Quodlibet)

A. Moravia – Storie della preistoria (Bompiani)

T. Landolfi – Il principe infelice (Adelphi)

C. Zavattini – Totò il buono (Bompiani)

D. Buzzati – Il segreto del bosco vecchio (Mondadori)



Non-attending students are required to prepare the following entire volume in addition to the texts in the program:

E. Lombardi Vallauri, Parlare l'italiano, Bologna, Il Mulino, 1999 (or subsequent editions)



For those who must obtain 3 credits as coming from other Faculties or Degree Courses where they have already taken the Italian Literature exam, the (single) volume to prepare is:

E. Lombardi Vallauri, Parlare l'italiano, Il Mulino (or subsequent editions)



At least 15 days before the exam session in which they intend to participate, Erasmus students are required to agree on the title of a written research on one of the topics of the course with the teacher. The research, in Italian, must be at least 8-10 pages long and will be corrected and discussed with the teacher by the end of the exam session for which the student is registered.



Students with DSA or temporary or permanent disabilities: it is recommended to immediately contact the responsible University office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/it) and with the teacher, to search together for the most effective strategies in following the lessons and/or preparing for the exam

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons.

Screening and discussion of videos

Power Point

The lessons are not conceived as a mere explanation of the volumes in the program, nor as an exposition of teaching methodologies applied to literature, but as examples of reflection on the texts (based on the knowledge and examples of analysis outlined in the volumes in the program) and of co-construction of interpretative hypotheses based on the fine observation of the literary text.

The goal is not to train literary critics, but critical and aware readers, capable of stimulating, as future teachers, the pleasure of reading.

Assessment methods

The test is oral

Criteria used for the assignment of the vote

The marks, expressed out of thirty, will consider the clarity of the oral presentation as well as the quality of the study and the reasoning skills behind the arguments provided: alongside the evaluation of the quantity / quality of the information offered, the ability to explain will also be evaluated deepening, motivating, connecting knowledge spanning the different books.

Rejected: lack of answers, wrong or insufficient answers, overall superficiality

18-19: basic knowledge, sometimes a little confused

20-22: diffuse knowledge not in-depth

23-24: fair overall knowledge and / or discrepancy in the quality of the answers

25-26: good overall knowledge with some imperfections (lack of data, inaccuracies ...)

27-28: uniform panorama of well-assimilated knowledge

29-30: breadth and precision of the knowledge offered, ability to re-elaborate

30 cum laude: completeness, ability to re-elaborate, original observations.

It will be possible to take the exam only after the conclusion of the lessons to take the exam it is necessary to register through Almaesami, in compliance with the established deadlines. Anyone unable to do so due to technical problems is requested to report the problem immediately to the didactic secretariat. The teacher reserves the right (not) to admit non-listed students to the test.

Important notice for those who have obtained the OFA debt.

The OFA Italian support laboratory is integrated with the teaching of Italian literature and language. The examination of this discipline can be carried out only after successfully passing the OFA verification test, which certifies the achievement of specific skills in Italian. Those who decide to attend the workshops must:

- enrol in the workshop on Almaesami starting from December 2024;

- go to the first lesson by declaring to the teacher their intention to attend;

- guarantee a frequency of at least 70% of the laboratory hours.

Participation in the OFA support workshops is highly recommended to all those who have received one or two debts. The first useful appeals for passing the OFA will be held immediately after the end of the support laboratory.

For DSA students

Students with DSA or temporary or permanent disabilities: it is recommended to contact the responsible University office in good time (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/it): it will be their responsibility propose any adaptations to the interested students, which must in any case be submitted, 15 days in advance, for the approval of the teacher, who will evaluate the opportunity also in relation to the educational objectives of the course.




Teaching tools

Bibliography materials and lessons acetate will be available on the platform Virtuale Learning Environment (https://virtuale.unibo.it)

Office hours

See the website of Nicola Bonazzi

Office hours

See the website of Nicola Bonazzi


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.