- Docente: Stefano Benazzi
- Credits: 6
- SSD: BIO/08
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Ravenna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in History, preservation and enhancement of artistic and archaeological heritage and landscape (cod. 9218)
from Nov 12, 2024 to Dec 13, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course aims to provide an in-depth understanding, through theoretical and laboratory training, of the investigative methodologies related to the study of biological remains from archaeological excavations. In particular, the topics addressed will include the analysis of naturalistic, faunal, and floral artifacts, for the study of the environment, diet, subsistence economy, and the ways in which the territory was exploited over time. By the end of the course, the student will be able to correctly address issues related to the treatment, documentation, and initial analysis of bioarchaeological material and understand its informational potential for accurate historical reconstruction.
Course contents
The course is divided into two parts: a first part dealing with the general principles about the types of osteoarchaeological materials, conditions and techniques of excavation and recovery of the remains; a second part dealing with the technical and methodological tools needed to study human remains, and to collect and analyse data, along with experimental lab activities. 1) Osteoarchaeological remains: skeletal specimens; types of graves and burials; inhumation graves; incineration remains; cremation methods; elements of skeletal taphonomy and archaeology of death; techniques of excavation and recovery of materials; in situ observations and measurements; filling of osteoarchaeological forms; osteological restoration techniques. 2) Elements of skeletal biology: morphology and osteometry; teeth and development of the dental apparatus; macro- and micromorphological signs of age and estimation of age-at-death; sexual dimorphism and sex estimation; palaeodemography; identification and recording of anomalies, pathological and traumatic lesions; skeletal and dental indicators of environmental, biomechanical and nutritional stress; paleodiet reconstruction; general principles of virtual osteology and osteometry by means of digital 3D models; reconstruction of the physical and demographic characteristics and the lifestyle and subsistence models of ancient populations by means of biostatistical methods.
- Slides of the lessons
- A scientific article on a topic of the course chosen by the student
- S. Minozzi, A. Canci: Archeologia dei resti umani. Dallo scavo al laboratorio. Carocci ed., Roma, 2015.
The following chapters of the "MANUALE DI ANTROPOLOGIA - EVOLUZIONE E BIODIVERSITÀ UMANA. A cura di Luca Sineo e Jacopo Moggi Cecchi. UTET 2022":
Sezione 1 – Introduzione alla disciplina
Capitolo 1.1 – Per una storia naturale dell’umanità
Sezione 2 – Materiali e metodi
Capitolo 2.1 – Anatomia scheletrica e dentaria
Capitolo 2.2 – Morfologia funzionale dello scheletro
Capitolo 2.3 – Metodi Antropometrici: generalità e principali caratteri antropometrici
Capitolo 2.6 – Metodi di datazione
Capitolo 2.7 – L’utilizzo degli isotopi stabili in antropologia
Capitolo 2.8 – Analisi stratigrafica
Sezione 3 – Antropologia dello scheletro
Capitolo 3.1 – Biologia scheletrica: la sfida della variabilità
Capitolo 3.2 – Profilo biologico e aspetti identificativi
Capitolo 3.3 – Tafonomia dei resti umani: archeotanatologia e antropo-logia della morte
Capitolo 3.4 – Introduzione alla morfometria dello scheletro
Capitolo 3.5 – La Bioarcheologia
Capitolo 3.6 – La Bioarcheologia: Paleopatologia
Capitolo 3.7 – Applicazioni biomolecolari e chimiche
Capitolo 3.8 – Aspetti etici nello studio dei resti scheletrici umani
- Mays S. (1998). The Archaeology of Human Bones. London, Routledge.
- White T, Folkens PA (2005). Human bone manual. Elsevier Academic Press.
- Stirland A. (1999). Human Bones in Archeology. Aylesbury, Shire Publications.
- Ubelaker D. (1989). Human Skeletal Remains. Excavation, Analysis, Interpretation. Washington, Smithsonian Institution.
- Nikita E. (2017). Osteoarchaeology: A Guide to the Macroscopic Study of Human Skeletal Remains. Elsevier Science Publishing Co Inc.
Teaching methods
The course consists of frontal lectures related to the topics of the programme that can be supplemented by seminars on specific topics. During the course PowerPoint presentations will be used, which will be supplied to the students by means of dedicated online platforms. Finally, students will have the opportunity to undertake practical laboratory activities, involving the application of osteological techniques to materials retrieved from archaeological excavations, and the analysis and interpretation of data using suitable computer programs.
As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas] online
Assessment methods
The final exam consists in an oral examination, which can be sustained starting from the first useful session on the calendar after the end of the lessons, concerning the topics indicated in the course program. During the exam, the student will have to deal with a topic of the course that she/he will have particularly deepened through the reading of a scientific article chosen by the student, which will obviously be followed by verification of preparation on other topics of the program.
The final vote of the exam is based on the scientific and methodological knowledge of the student on the arguments discussed during the exam. Moreover, correct use of language, coupled with critical examination of the covered topics and interdisciplinary linkage, will be also evaluated.
Students not attending. The program of the course is the same for both students attending and not attending. Attendance of the lessons is highly recommended given the nature of the course, however, students who for valid reasons cannot attend are invited to contact the teacher, during reception hours, for the suggestion of the necessary supplementary texts.Teaching tools
Power Point slides and human skeletal remains will be used for the lectures. About 8 hours of laboratory activity are planned, where special tools will be used for the study of human skeletal remains.
Students who are affected by learning disability (DSA) and in need of special strategies to compensate it, are kindly requested to contact the Teacher, in order to be referred to the colleagues in charge and get proper advice and instructions.
Office hours
See the website of Stefano Benazzi

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.