34574 - Static Electric Energy Conversion (Graduate Course)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Docente: Angelo Tani
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/32
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Electrical Energy Engineering (cod. 9066)

Learning outcomes

The course aims to provide skills for the analysis and the design of power electronic converters. Main topics are the topologies of AC/DC, DC/DC, DC/AC and AC/AC converters, the criteria for sizing, and the control strategies. Specific industrial applications of these converters, such as UPS, motor control, and active filters, will be analyzed.

Course contents


Basic skills in electrical engineering.

Course Contents

AC/DC converters
Single-phase and three-phase bridge rectifiers. Effects of the line impedance, impact on the grid of diode and SCR rectifiers.

DC/DC converters
Two quadrant choppers. Pulse Width Modulation, hysteresis current regulators, PI based current regulators.

DC/AC converters
Introduction to current source inverters.

Single-phase voltage source inverters. Basic structure, square wave modulation, Pulse Width Modulation, output current ripple analysis, input current analysis.

Three-phase voltage source inverters. Basic structure, square wave modulation, Space Vector Modulation and generalized Pulse Width Modulation, output current ripple analysis, input current analysis, hysteresis current regulators, PI based current regulators in a stationary reference frame, PI based current regulators in a synchronous reference frame.

Multilevel inverters. Diode-clamped inverters, cascaded inverters, square wave modulation, Pulse Width Modulation.

AC/AC converters
Back-to-back converter. Structure and modulation strategy. Introduction to matrix converters. Grid interface of variable speed generators.

Space vectors and zero sequence components
Direct and inverse transformations, properties.

Power conditioning systems
Active Filters. Structures and control strategies.

The lessons are supported by exercises with Personal Computer involving the analysed power electronic converters.


It is not necessary to buy specific books. The pdf files of the slides utilized during the lessons are indispensable and sufficient for the preparation for the exam, and are available on VIRTUALE. For further considerations:

Title: Power Electronics: Converters, Applications, and Design, 3rd Edition
Authors: Mohan Ned, Undeland Tore M., Robbins William P
Editor Wiley&sons
Published: 2003
ISBN: 978-0-471-22693-2
482 pages

Teaching methods

The frontal lessons are supported by exercises with Personal Computer (MATLAB-Simulink).

Assessment methods

The exam consists of an oral examination, which is based on three questions, and the discussion of a report with simulation results concerning some power electronic converters.

Teaching tools

Lessons are carried out with the help of a personal computer and a computer projector (Power Point). The pdf files of the slides utilized during the lessons are available on VIRTUALE. Exercises are carried out with the help of a personal computer (MATLAB-Simulink).

Office hours

See the website of Angelo Tani


Affordable and clean energy Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.