90549 - Translation Laboratory from Greek and Latin (1) (LM) (H-Z)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Lucia Pasetti (Modulo 1) Renzo Tosi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Philology, Literature and Classical Tradition (cod. 9070)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the workshop, the student is able to correctly and fluently translate prose and poetic literary texts from ancient Greek and Latin into Italian. (S)he also proves to possess multifaceted critical, communication and problem-solving skills.

Course contents

The Translation Workshop aims at consolidating and refining the translation skills of LM15 students from Greek and Latin into Italian. To this end, practical exercises will be offered based on a selection of literary prose texts. Occasionally, some of these texts may correspond to those included in the programmes of Greek Philology and Literature and Latin Philology and Literature. Through the methodology of the interactive lesson, integrated with the home exercise, the course participants will have the opportunity to refine a translation technique mainly oriented to the didactic and research destination: the expected translation should therefore present adequate characteristics to be integrated in the scholastic practice, or to accompany the analysis or the scientific commentary of the text.

Non-attending students are required to practise in self-study using the materials published on 'Virtuale' during the course; in addition, they may use materials from past years courses.

Prof. Tosi will start the course on October 17th;  Prof. Pasetti, on October 15th


For Greek, we recommend the handbook of R. Pierini - R. Tosi, Capire il greco, Bologna (Patron) 2014.
Any further bibliographical item will be indicated during the lessons.


Students with SLDs or temporary or permanent disabilities: it is recommended that you contact the relevant university office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/it ) and your teacher to discuss the most effective strategies for following the course and/or preparing for the exam.

Teaching methods

Interactive seminar lesson, complemented by home exercise

Assessment methods

Methods of assessment and evaluation of learning
The workshop awards an academic qualification, which will be tested by means of a written test of comprehension and translation: the students will be required to translate into Italian two short texts  (one from Greek and one from Latin), not previously known (i.e. different from those translated during the course). The translation of each text will be carried out in 1h and 30 m time (a total of 3h); the use of dictionaries is permitted.

Qualification is only recorded when both parts of the test are passed; it is possible to obtain a pass in only one of the two parts, provided that both translations have been completed. If only one of the two parts is passed, in subsequent examinations it will be possible to tackle the remaining part in half the time (1 h 30 m), until the qualification is achieved. 

The qualification is awarded if the following requirements are met:
- morphosyntactic correctness of the target text;
- sufficient comprehension of the structures of the source text;
- stylistic register of the target text appropriate to its didactic and research purpose.


Students with LDSs or a temporary or permanent disability: it is advisable to contact the relevant university office (https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/it) in good time: it will be their task to propose any adjustments to the students concerned, which must in any case be submitted 15 days in advance to the teacher for approval; the teacher will assess their appropriateness in relation to the teaching objectives.

Teaching tools

Photocopies,  materials on "Virtuale" Platform

Office hours

See the website of Lucia Pasetti

See the website of Renzo Tosi