91159 - Systems and Synthetic Microbiology

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Genomics (cod. 9211)

Learning outcomes

By the end of the course, the student has knowledge on the integrative approaches and strategies to study a microorganism as a complex system and to discover and model its properties in the context of synthetic biology, gene regulation, and microbial genome engineering across multiple scales. In particular, the course provides the student with systems and synthetic biology understanding of microorganisms and microbial ecosystems with industrial and environmental interest for biotechnological applications.

Course contents

Introduction to the basic concepts in the field of systems and synthetic microbiology; genome-wide engineering approaches and targeted genome editing methods for synthetic microbiology purposes; the building of biological parts and their function on the microbial systems level; the synthetic biology as a tool to build biological systems; synthetic biology tools for microbial genetic and metabolic engineering (e.g. BioBrick, pSEVA); genetic and metabolic circuits in microbial systems; design, construction and expression of synthetic pathways in microorganisms; synthetic and minimal genomes; the idea of networks and their representation as graphs; basic principles of metabolic networks; systemic disciplines applied to microbial biotechnology (several case studies will be the subject of students analysis)


Textbook indications are given during the lectures. Scientific papers and Reviews can be obtained on-line. Alternatively, the material will be given to students as printed papers.

Teaching methods

Lectures, group works, student presentations, practical sessions at the computer.

Assessment methods

The final Course examination consists of an oral exam in which 2-3 questions will be asked about topics covered during the course. A poster presentation (5-10 min) regarding a research paper on a topic about Systems and Synthetic Microbiology will be facultative.

Teaching tools

Le lezioni saranno effettuate principalmente usando presentazioni power point (che saranno disponibili su Virtuale unibo). Alla fine di ogni lezione o al completamento di ogni argomento, saranno fornite review e pubblicazioni scientifiche insieme ad eventuale materiale didattico aggiuntivo. Potranno essere inoltre usati video di tipo "open source" in supporto alle lezioni frontali.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Martina Cappelletti


Good health and well-being Affordable and clean energy Responsible consumption and production Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.