- Docente: Mattia Ricco
- Credits: 6
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Mattia Ricco (Modulo 1) Mattia Ricco (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Computer Engineering (cod. 9254)
Learning outcomes
Methodologies for studying electrical circuits in stationary, sinusoidal and transient operations.
Course contents
Magnitudes and equations of the electromagnetic field. Fundamental equations of Electromagnetism: laws of Maxwell, law of Gauss and law of divergence, law of conservation of the charge - laws of material bond.
Circuit Theory
Circuit element and electric circuit, Kirchhoff's laws, and descriptive laws of the ideal elements: the resistor, the capacitor and the ideal inductor, the independent generators, and the piloted generators. Methods of circuit analysis: general method of analysis, method of elimination of tensions, method of nodes, principle of superimposing effects. Transfer function, Thèvenin theorem, Norton's theorem. Tellegen's theorem and power adversities. Transients, first (RC and RL) and second order circuits.
Sinusoidal Regime
Definition of amplitude, radian frequency and phase of sinusoidal quantities. Definition of phasors. Transformation from the time domain to the frequency domain: resistor, capacitor, and inductor and RLC circuit. Series and parallel resonance. Power in AC circuits. Three-phase system definition and properties; Y-connected and D-connected load. Use of the neutral wire. Power in three-phase systems.
Elements of Electrical Machines, Systems and Safety
Transformer; production, transmission and distribution of electricity. Electrical safety elements.
Slides and notes edited by the Teacher. Recommended books are:
- “Electric circuits” Charles K. Alexander, Matthew N. O. Sadiku and
- “Electrotechnics: Principals and Applications” G. Rizzoni.
- “Elettrotecnica: elementi di teoria ed esercizi” di M. Repetto e S. Leva
- “Elettrotecnica 1 e 1” di G. Chitarin, F. Gnesotto, M. Guarnieri, A. Machio, A. Stella
Teaching methods
The course is based on theoretical lectures and exercises held by the teacher.
It is also recommended, in addition to the exercises held in class, to personally solve during the preparation of the course, exercises of the type of ones solved by the teacher.
Assessment methods
The exam consists of a written test that covers both theoretical questions and exercises. The theory and exercises are exclusively on topics treated during the lessons.
Teaching tools
The lecture notes on the topics covered in class are available to the students and different exercises are proposed.
Office hours
See the website of Mattia Ricco
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