00236 - Comparative Public Law (A-L)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Francesco Biagi (Modulo 1) Susanna Mancini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)

Learning outcomes

This course's aims are:

· to make students familiar with the basic aspects of contemporary constitutionalism in Western democracies, countries in transition to democracy and beyond;

· to show them that, by revealing how other systems address similar problems, comparative constitutional law gives us a better purchase on our own legal system and legal culture;

· to push them to evaluate the foundations of individual legal systems: the assumptions, choices and values that have formed them;

· to provide them with a critical understanding of the strengths and limits of constitutional law in regulating social and political processes.

Course contents

The course consists in a general part and in a special part.

  • General Part: forms of state and forms of government; the constitution and its dynamics; the liberal democratic State; federalism and regionalism; the constitutional protection of human rights; authoritarian and hybrid regimes.
  • Special Part I: Reproductive Rights in Comparative Constitutional Law
  • Special Part II: Conflicts over Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere


  • GIUSEPPE DE VERGOTTINI, Diritto costituzionale comparato,undicesima edizione, Milano, Cedam - Wolters Kluwer, 2022.
  • SUSANNA MANCINI, Un affare di donne. L'aborto tra eguale libertà e controllo sociale (Padova, Cedam, 2012).
  • On-line materials

Three credits "integrazione"

  • SUSANNA MANCINI, Un affare di donne. L'aborto tra eguale libertà e controllo sociale (Padova, Cedam, 2012).

One credit "integrazione"

  • European Court of Human Rights, Lautsi c. Italia
  • http://issuu.com/duit/docs/duit_-_traduzione_integrale_sentenza_lautsi_c._ita

Teaching methods

Since the course takes place during the first semester, the exam can only be taken starting with January 2025

Important: Only students who are regularly enrolled can take the exam.

Assessment methods

The final grade will be determined in the light of a final paper. Students will be asked to respond to three questions concerning three different parts of the program. The questions can be found on-line in the platform "Virtual Learning Environment", in the section called "Materiali per esame scritto".

While assessing the paper the following elements will be taken into consideration:

  • originality and coherence
  • correct use and quotation of sources
  • the text must be correct both from a formal and substantial standpoint
  • plagiarism check 

Office hours

See the website of Francesco Biagi

See the website of Susanna Mancini