- Docente: Francesco Biagi
- Credits: 9
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Francesco Biagi (Modulo 1) Susanna Mancini (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Law (cod. 9232)
from Oct 14, 2024 to Nov 27, 2024
from Sep 16, 2024 to Oct 09, 2024
Learning outcomes
This course's aims are:
· to make students familiar with the basic aspects of contemporary constitutionalism in Western democracies, countries in transition to democracy and beyond;
· to show them that, by revealing how other systems address similar problems, comparative constitutional law gives us a better purchase on our own legal system and legal culture;
· to push them to evaluate the foundations of individual legal systems: the assumptions, choices and values that have formed them;
· to provide them with a critical understanding of the strengths and limits of constitutional law in regulating social and political processes.
Course contents
The course consists in a general part and in a special part.
- General Part: forms of state and forms of government; the constitution and its dynamics; the liberal democratic State; federalism and regionalism; the constitutional protection of human rights; authoritarian and hybrid regimes.
- Special Part I: Reproductive Rights in Comparative Constitutional Law
- Special Part II: Conflicts over Religious Symbols in the Public Sphere
- GIUSEPPE DE VERGOTTINI, Diritto costituzionale comparato,undicesima edizione, Milano, Cedam - Wolters Kluwer, 2022.
- SUSANNA MANCINI, Un affare di donne. L'aborto tra eguale libertà e controllo sociale (Padova, Cedam, 2012).
- On-line materials
Three credits "integrazione"
- SUSANNA MANCINI, Un affare di donne. L'aborto tra eguale libertà e controllo sociale (Padova, Cedam, 2012).
One credit "integrazione"
- European Court of Human Rights, Lautsi c. Italia
- http://issuu.com/duit/docs/duit_-_traduzione_integrale_sentenza_lautsi_c._ita
Teaching methods
Since the course takes place during the first semester, the exam can only be taken starting with January 2025
Important: Only students who are regularly enrolled can take the exam.
Assessment methods
The final grade will be determined in the light of a final paper. Students will be asked to respond to three questions concerning three different parts of the program. The questions can be found on-line in the platform "Virtual Learning Environment", in the section called "Materiali per esame scritto".
While assessing the paper the following elements will be taken into consideration:
- originality and coherence
- correct use and quotation of sources
- the text must be correct both from a formal and substantial standpoint
- plagiarism check
Office hours
See the website of Francesco Biagi
See the website of Susanna Mancini