- Docente: Bianca Maria Piraccini
- Credits: 3
- SSD: MED/35
- Language: English
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 9210)
from Oct 07, 2024 to Dec 18, 2024
Learning outcomes
Describe the clinical manifestations, etiology, epidemiology, risk factors, natural history, diagnosis, staging, prognostic indicators and management of the major dermatologic and sexually-transmitted diseases, with emphasis on those most commonly encountered in the clinical practice. Identify the major diagnostic and therapeutic options for each encountered clinical scenario, and discuss their benefits and limitations. Summarize decision-making algorithms for a correct differential diagnosis, prognosis, and treatment choice. Present and critically analyze clinical cases, discuss the differential diagnosis, and formulate appropriate diagnostic and therapeutic strategies for each case (Problem-Based Learning).
Course contents
Skin: basic structure and function
Cutaneous Signs and diagnosis
Atopic dermatitis and eczema
Contact dermatitis
Drug reactions
Urticaria/ angioedema
Connective tissue diseases (lupus erythematosus, dermatomyositis, scleroderma)
Seborrheic dermatitis
Pitiriasis rosea
Lichen planus
Acne vulgaris, Hydradenitis suppurativa, Rosacea
Bacterial infections
Fungal infections
Parasitic infestations
Viral diseases
Autoimmune chronic blistering dermatoses(pemphigus vulgaris, bullous pemphigoid, epidermolysis bullosa acquisita, dermatitis herpetiformis)
Nonmelanoma skin cancers and their precursors (actinic keratosis, keratoacanthoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamous cell carcinoma Merkel cell carcinoma)
Melanocytic nevi and melanoma
Sexually transmitted diaseases (Chlamydia trachomatis
Trichomonas vaginalis
Neisseria gonorrhoeae)
Class presentations are available on Virtuale
As a general reference book: Andrews' Diseases of the Skin Clinical Dermatology, 13th Edition
Authors: William James Dirk Elston James Treat Misha Rosenbach Robert Micheletti
ElseviereBook 2019
ISBN: 9780323551885
Hardcover ISBN: 9780323547536
Paperback ISBN: 9780323547543
Teaching methods
Theoretical lessons will be conducted in a classroom equipped with multimedia equipment, with the main use of slides in PowerPoint format. Students will be provided with an electronic version of the slides presented during the lessons.
Attendance to learning activities is mandatory; the minimum attendance requirement to be admitted to the final exam is 60% of lessons.
Assessment methods
The exam for this integrated course is a written, multiple-choice test. The number of questions for each subject is proportional to its credit value:
- Skin & STD (3 credits): 15 questions
- Immunology (2 credits): 10 questions
- Rheumatology (2 credits): 10 questions
- Pathology (1 credit): 5 questions
In total, there are 40 questions. To pass, the student must achieve at least 60% correct answers in each subject area.
Scoring system:
- Each correct answer earns 0.8 points.
- Incorrect answers do not subtract points.
- The total score is rounded to the nearest whole number.
This system allows the student to score 30 with 2-3 incorrect answers, and even 30 cum laude with one incorrect answer.
Important note: The exam is a single, unified test. The student must pass each subject individually. If the student doesn’t pass one or more subjects, the entire exam will need to be retaken, regardless of the overall score. This rule is incontestable.
Teaching tools
Theoretical lessons will be conducted in a classroom with multimedia equipment, with the main use of slides in PowerPoint format. Students will be provided with an electronic version of the slides presented during the lessons.
Office hours
See the website of Bianca Maria Piraccini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.