02935 - Laboratory (Lab10)

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

The student, through a laboratory activity selected from those that will be activated from year to year, develops transversal skills in the practical elaboration of the knowledge acquired in the course of study. They know how to collect, organise and analyse complex information and present the results of their analysis in written and oral form.

Course contents

The course LABORATORY/ WORKSHOP nr. 10, JUDICIAL LABORATORY, on CASE STUDY ON RESTORATIVE JUSTICE, is built in two parts: the first one concerning the presentation and the study of concepts in restoratiove justice and victim offender mediation, the second one concerning the discussion of them in the classroom and the presentation of examples to be analyzed together. The aim is to understand the peculiarities of this "new model/paradigm" of justice and compare it with the more traditional ones, within a national and international perspective.

the workshop will take place in the second semester


Articles, documents and any contribution will be given by the teacher during the course. In particular:

J. Morineau, Lo spirito della mediazione, Angeli, Milano, 2000

J. Morineau, La mediazione umanistica, Erickson, Trento, 2018

C.M. Martini, G. Zagrebelski, La domanda di giustizia, Einaudi, Torino, 2003

P. Massaro, Dalla punizione alla riparazione. La promessa della restorative justice, Angeli, Milano, 2012

G. Bertagna, A. Ceretti, C. Mazzucato, Il libro dell'incontro. Vittime e responsabili della lotta armata a confronto, il Saggiatore, Milano, 2015

Teaching methods

Lectures and discussion during the course, in the classroom

Assessment methods

Evaluation of the partecipation during the lessons, evaluation of the final papers presented by the students, and evaluation of the whole discussion in the classroom

Teaching tools

vision of documentaries, films and other material.

Office hours

See the website of Susanna Vezzadini


Gender equality Reduced inequalities Peace, justice and strong institutions

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.