- Docente: Guido Fioretti
- Credits: 4
- SSD: SECS-P/10
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Forli
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics and business (cod. 9202)
from Sep 18, 2024 to Dec 05, 2024
Learning outcomes
The target of the course is to provide students the occasion to experiment the knowledges in the organizational field with a particular focus for human resources management and related contractual - administrative fulfillments. At the end of the course the student will be able to: - know to understand the problematics connected to human resources management in its applicative aspects; - know to analyze the administrative aspects related to contractual fulfillments; - to use software dedicated to human resources management.
Course contents
- Structures and Processes
- Coordination
- Organizational Forms
- Organizations and their Environment
- Organizational Design
This course is based on lecture notes (in Italian). Lecture notes are available on the VirtuaLE platform.
Please beware that this directory entails a NetLogo tutorial that may be used in the 10 hrs to be spent in the computer lab. The content of this tutorial will not be asked at the written exam.
Teaching methods
This course spans 40 hrs teaching. Teaching consists of:
- 30 hrs front teaching;
- 10 hrs training.
Training will take place in the computer lab. Training aims at learning to build artificial worlds on the NetLogo platform.
Assessment methods
The final grade is expressed as fractions of 30. Here is a correspondence with natural language:
- <18: insufficient
- 18-23: sufficient
- 24-27: good
- 28-30: very good
- 30 with honors: excellent
The exam takes 20 min. It's a written exam consisting of 10 multiple-choice questions arranged in 2 series of 5 questions each. If many students enroll, the exam is split in two sessions for even and odd enrollment numbers, respectively. Cellular phones, headphones or other devices capable of connecting to the Internet are not allowed.
Each question can receive at most 3 marks. Three possible answers are proposed for each question. Students who pick up the right answer receive 3 marks. Students who pick up a wrong answer, several answers, or no answer at all, they obtain 0 marks. Students are allowed to change their initial choice provided that their final choice is absolutely clear.
Sometimes, knowledgeable, profound students receive low marks in multiple choice exams because they have interesting thoughts that are different from those of the professor. In order to alleviate this problem, students have a possibility to leave a comment where explain why they selected a certain answer. If this was the wrong answer, but it was chosen out of interesting reasons, I shall assign 1, or 2, or even 3 marks. Comments cannot decrease the evaluation of a correct answer. If comments make clear that the right answer was selected out of a wrong reason, that answer receives 3 marks nonetheless.
By attending the NetLogo exercises and by delivering a personally modified model students can obtain 1 additional mark that is added to the grade obtained in the written exam. Students who reach 30/30 at the written exam obtain honors if they develop a NetLogo model.
There are no partial exams. Only students who enrolled through AlmaEsami are admitted to the exam. The final mark cannot be changed by means of oral discussion.
Exams correction times depend on professor's duties, which are larger than this course. Timing cannot be foreseen. Please do not ask questions on correction time.
The grade obtained on Business Organization Lab (4 ECTS) is averaged with the grade obtained on Labour Law (6 ECTS) with coefficients 0.4 and 0.6, respectively. The resulting comprehensive grade is approximated to the closest integer. This comprehensive grade cannot be recorded unless both component exams have been passed. The grade obtained on Business Organization Lab remains available until Labour Law is passed as well.
Students are allowed to refuse the grade that they obtained. Please communicate this decision by e-mail within one week after publication of grades (holidays included). Late communications may be accepted upon discretion. Earlier deadlines may be occasionally stated in the section "Notice" of this web site. Students who successfully passed an exam and did not refuse their grading are not allowed to attend subsequent calls of the same exam.Teaching tools
Blackboard, videos, computer simulations, exercises on building computer simulations.
Office hours
See the website of Guido Fioretti
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.