06944 - Complements of Organic Chemistry

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Chemistry and Technologies for the Environment and Materials (cod. 8514)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student completes his knowledge of basic organic chemistry. We will cover topics such as organic chemistry of radicals and the chemistry of sugars. In addition to the more purely synthetic part, the main part of the course will provide a more exhaustive discussion of the most common spectroscopic techniques for the structural analysis of organic compounds. In particular, Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) and mass spectrometry (MS) will be presented as a powerful tool for the analysis of organic pollutants.

Course contents


Basic knowledge of Organic Chemistry, functionals group, basic notion of physical chemistry.

Course program:

The course will focus on the application of the principal techniques used for the structural identification and analysis of organic molecules The course will apply basic knowledge on spectroscopic methods such as Nuclear Magnetic resonance and Mass Spectroscopy to the solution of the structures of organic molecules.. The main part of the course will be carried out with exercitations on experimental data,

  1. NMR Spectroscopy
  1. Nuclear spin and resonance
  2. NMR spectromers and FT technique.
  3. Spin relaxation theory
  4. Acquisition parameters, spectral width and RF pulses
  5. 1H spectra: chimica shift, cpupling constants and integration
  6. 13C spectra and DEPT techniques for the signal assignment
  7. NOE spectra
  8. exercitations

  1. Mass Spectroscopy
  1. Ionization techniques: electron impact, electron spray, MALDI
  2. Ion analyzers: magnetic secton, quadrupolem ionic trap, TOF and FT-ICR
  3. Fragmentation mechanism
  4. Fragmentation analysis for the structural assignment of simple molecules
  5. Practical exercitations on experimental mass spectra


Robert M. Silverstein et al.

Spectrometric Identification of Organic Compounds, 8th Edition


ISBN : 978-0-470-61637-6

Teaching methods

The teacher will use Powerpoint Presentations (available to the students at the beginning of the lessons) for the theoretic part, and printed spectra for the exercitations. After some lessons at the beginning of the course, students will work on PC workstations remotely connected to the spectromenters.

Assessment methods

The final test during exam sessions consists of a single written test composed of a an exercise in structural assignment.

The exercise of structural assignment involves the use on the experimental data of NMR / mass spectroscopy for the determination of the structure of an organic unknown compound, to be selected within a set of chemical structures indicated in the exercise.

During the final written test, it is allowed to use books, handouts and notes. It is not allowed to use devices connected to the Internet (tablets, smartphones, etc.).

Teaching tools

All the slides will be published in advance on the "AMS Campus" web site. https://virtuale.unibo.it.

Office hours

See the website of Michele Mancinelli