- Docente: Giacomo Antonioni
- Credits: 9
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Environmental Engineering (cod. 8894)
from Sep 16, 2024 to Dec 20, 2024
Learning outcomes
Understanding Emission Estimation Principles:
- Recognize the sources and types of pollutants commonly encountered in environmental impact assessments.
- Comprehend the principles and methodologies for estimating emissions of pollutants to air and surface water.
Technical Proficiency in Environmental Modelling:
- Demonstrate proficiency in using environmental modelling software and tools for air and surface water quality assessment.
- Develop skills in selecting and applying appropriate models for predicting the dispersion and fate of pollutants.
Course contents
Models for estimating emissions from source categories: storage tanks, petroleum product loading operations, landfills, waste water purification: descriptive and construction elements, physical phenomena involved and basic equations.
Predictive models for media contamination.
Transport phenomena (advection, diffusion, dispersion, ...) and chemical reactions (kinetics and equilibria).
Air and pollution phenomena: the advection and dispersion equation. Recalls of meteorology. The Gaussian dispersion model, dry and wet deposition phenomena, air-water and soil interfacial processes. Contents and use of specific software: AERMOD.
Water and pollution phenomena. Toxic organic substances in lakes, rivers and estuaries. Redox reactions, heavy metals and their migration into the soil. Recalls of a simple model: Streeter – Phelps. Balance equations and use of a specific model: QUAL2K.
Notes on ecotoxicology: methodology for assessing Environmental and Human Health Risk (EHHRA)
J.L. Schnoor, Environmental Modeling, John Wiley & Sons, NY, 1996.
European Community, Reference documents on Best Available TechniquesEPA AP-42AP-42: Compilation of Air Emissions Factors from Stationary Sources
Teaching methods
Classroom lessons and ongoing exercises in the computer room. There are 8-9 practice classes of 2.5-3 hours each to familiarize oneself with the tools and carry out problems with the help of the teacher, and therefore to carry out an assigned problem as independently as possible.
Assessment methods
Practical calculator test with open books, in which you will be asked to independently solve an assigned exercise using computer tools and an oral test.
The oral test must be carried out in the same session as the practical one
Teaching tools
Copy of the slides presented in class.
Example input files for the different software used.
Dedicated space on the virtual.unibo.it platform
Office hours
See the website of Giacomo Antonioni

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.