78720 - Internet Law and Computer Crime

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Criminology for Investigation and Security (cod. 8491)

Learning outcomes

The course proposes to analyse: (i) the fundamental rights (privacy and data protection, identity, reputation and oblivion, etc.) recognised by international, European and national sources of law, in order to ensure their effective protection in the globalised world, characterised by the use of the Internet and other information and communication technologies; (ii) torts related to computer crimes and cybercrimes, which endanger the effective and efficient protection of the Fundamental Rights. Students will study case law to understand the application of statutory and regulatory law to the main types of fact concerning those topics and learn the Courts’ and Supervision Authorities’ interpretations of law.

Course contents

The course is divided in two modules.

The first one is dedicated to the analysis of the interests protected by the law system, when Internet is used. In this scenario students will study both the fundamental rights involved in a technological context and the impact of Internet on them (for example: reputation online and freedom of speech online, the right to health and eHealth; freedom to conduct a business and e-commerce).Specific attention will be paid to the processing of personal data led by means of technological tools.

The second module is focused on torts related to computer crimes and cybercrimes and on the case law concerning those torts. Students will study law of torts concerning civil liability cases in which Internet is used to commit a tort or a crime (for example: defamation by social media, hate speech, credit card abuse and fraud, social media and identity theft, UGC and liability of the ISPs, search engines and liability of the ISPs, cyberbulling, etc.).


(a) Students are required to know: F. Galgano, Istituzioni di diritto privato, Wolters Kuwer-Cedam, Milano, 2019 (only: cap. II, par. 1, cap. III, par. 6, and cap. XIX.)


(b) Regolamento UE 679/2016 GDPR. ISP Responsibility (Cfr. Mollo, La responsabilità del provider alla luce del Digital Service Act, in Contratto e Impresa Europa, 2022, 1, p. 173- 204; Bravo,La responsabilità civile degli Internet Service Providers, in G. Alpa - G. Conte (a cura di),La responsabilità d'impresa, Giuffrè, Milano, 2015, pp. 688-770.)


(c) a selection of 3 case law decisions and other materials on torts related to computer crimes and cybercrimes between:

Rodotà, Una costituzione per internet?, in Politica del diritto, 2010, 3 p. 337 ss.

Alpa, Quale modello normativo europeo per l’intelligenza artificiale?, in Contratto e impresa, 2021, 4, p. 1003 ss.,

Alpa, Fintech: un laboratorio per i giuristi, in Contratto e impresa. 2019, 2, p. 377

Alpa, Il mercato unico digitale, in Contratto e impresa europa, 2021, 1, p. 1 ss.

Franzoni, Lesione dei diritti della persona, tutela della privacy e intelligenza artificiale, in Jus civile, 2021, 1, p. 11 ss.

Finocchiaro, Identità personale su Internet: il diritto alla contestualizzazione dell’informazione, in Dir inform., 2012, 3, p. 392 ss.

Finocchiaro, Intelligenza artificiale e responsabilità, in Contratto e impresa, 2020, 2, p. 713 ss.,

F. Bravo, Le cooperative di dati, in CONTRATTO E IMPRESA, 2023, 3, p. 757 - 799 

Poletti, Il c.d. diritto alla disconnessione nel contesto dei “diritti digitali”, in Resp. civ. prev., 2017, 1, p. 8 ss.

F. Mollo, I sistemi di trasporto intelligente tra sviluppo della robotica e tutela della persona, in Contratto e impresa Europa, 2021, 2, p. 453 ss.

Mollo, Internet e carcere nel sistema multilivello di tutela dei diritti fondamentali, in Rivista italiana di conflittologia, 2022, n. 45, p. 41 ss.

F. Mollo, Sorveglianza di massa, rispetto della vita privata e trattamento di categorie particolari di dati nel quadro multilivello di tutela della persona, in federalismi.it, 2023, 19, p. 267-298;

Resta, La protezione dei dati personali nel diritto dell'emergenza Covid-19, in Giustiziacivile.com, maggio 2020

R. Messinetti, La tutela della persona umana versus l’intelligenza artificiale. Potere decisionale dell’apparato tecnologico e diritto alla spiegazione della decisione automatizzata, in Contr. e impr., 2019, 3.


Teaching methods

Lectures, interaction with IT tools. Analysis and guided debates on controversial cases. Training exercises, simulations, seminars, workshops.

Assessment methods

The final exam consists of a written test.

The mark is defined in 30/30, considering the marks reported in each of the three specific questions concerning the topics of the course.

As for the gradation of the vote, expressed out of thirty, the following general criteria are used:

Insufficient: 0-17 Insufficient and inadequate knowledge of the topics contained in the program, gaps in the program, overall incorrect language

Sufficient: 18-20 Sufficient knowledge of the topics contained in the program and overall correct language

Fair: 21-23 Fair knowledge of the topics contained in the program, fair ability to deepen and analyze some specific parts, overall correct language

Good: 24-26 Good knowledge of the topics contained in the program, good in-depth and analysis skills on the different specific parts of the program, good analytical and critical skills, overall correct and technically adequate language

Distinguished: 27-28 More than good knowledge of all the topics contained in the program, good in-depth and analysis skills on the different specific parts of the program, good connection skills between the different topics, good analytical and critical skills, overall correct and technically adequate language, with a good command of specific technical terminology

Great: 29-30 Excellent knowledge of all the topics contained in the program, excellent ability to deepen and analyze the different specific parts of the program, excellent skills in connecting the different topics, excellent analytical and critical skills, overall correct and technically adequate language, with mastery more than good of the specific technical terminology

Excellent: 30L Excellent knowledge of all the topics contained in the program, excellent ability to deepen and analyze the different specific parts of the program, excellent ability to connect between the different topics, excellent ability to analyze and criticize, overall correct and technically adequate language, with excellent mastery of specific technical terminology

Teaching tools

Piattaforma moodle di supporto alla didattica frontale, altri strumenti telematici di interazione, materiale giurisprudenziale e dottrinale relativo ai temi affrontati nel corso, eventuali slides.

Office hours

See the website of Francesca Mollo


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This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.