- Docente: Paola Puccini
- Credits: 9
- SSD: L-LIN/04
- Language: French
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Language, Society and Communication (cod. 8874)
from Feb 10, 2025 to May 14, 2025
Learning outcomes
The student will be expected to apply the theoretical and practical tools learned in class that pertain to international and intercultural communication. They are also expected to use the learning methods developed during the course to be able to independently examine their skills and competences in depth, as well as to update them as to conduct their research in this area. Through practical exercises during these two years, their communicative competencies in all the abilities active and passive will reach a C2 level of the European Common Framework which will put them in the position to effectively interpret sociolinguistic and cultural codes of people involved in a communicative intercourse.
Course contents
Title of the class: La médiation en contexte francophone: de la théorie à la pratique
At the end of the semester, the students should possess the basic tools of the theories of the intercultural communication and cultural mediation. The class will focus on the representation of the “otherness” in different areas of the francophone world. This reflexive approach will allow the students to observe the mechanisms that play a role in the intercultural encounters. The class will also provide analysis tools needed to identify the differences between the representation of a global borderless boasting the free movement of goods through the media , of images and messages, and the reality of a world represented and lived in its diversity and division. The class aims to stimulate thoughts on the role played by the medias in the formation of the citizen in today's democratic societies. Individuals are now aware that the media influence is due to the knowledge of a certain language and its mechanic of “construct events”. Also, the role of the writer / mediator in journalism will be investigated with the aim of highlighting how its action of mediation is fundamental in building a collective memory and developing a perspective of contemporary societies, and in conveying the representation of “otherness”.
Program Module Language support for Language, Society And Communication / Lingua, società e comunicazione
Learning objectives : Mastering written and spoken language through a course of mediation. The class will concentrate on the analysis and interpretation of the social and cultural representations conveyed by the language of the media , it will also focus on the linguistic tools, stylistic and cultural expression, information and opinion from the analysis of different sources. At the end of the semester, the students should be able to elaborate the conceptual framework of various types of articles and write them in a clear, precise and effective language. Program of the class : see the personal web page.
The discursive analysis will apply to a corpora constructed on topics that are being discussed in the contemporary world. The teacher will distribute a dossier of articles from the Francophone press online.
Teaching methods
The applied methodology is the discourse analysis, with emphasis on vocabulary. The analysis of the lexicon is in fact aimed at the study of the representation of “otherness” in the contemporary francophone medias. Lessons are lectures.
Assessment methods
Assessment methods for the monographic course.
The exam consists of an written work. This work aims to evaluate the methodological and critical skills acquired by the student. Students should be able to navigate within the program, exploiting the relationships between the different topics addressed. The student must also demonstrate that he have mastered the French language at is written form.
Exam program :
Paola Puccini, Michèle Vatz Laaroussi, Claude Gélinas, La Médiation interculturelle, Milano, Hoepli, 2022;Bruno Ramirez, Paul Tana, La Sarrasine, Montréal, Boréal, 1992 ; Jean-René Ladmiral, Edmond Marc Lipiansky, La Communication interculturelle, Paris, Colin, 1989 ; Paola Puccini, "La Sarrasine" de Bruno Ramirez et Paul Tana. Une réfléxion sur la rencontre interculturellein Morency Jean, Destrempes Hélène, Merkle Denise, Paquet Martin, Des cultures en contact. Visions de l'Amérique du Nord Francophone, Collection Terre américaine, Québec, Editions Nota Bene, 2005, pp. 341-359 ; Paola Puccini, Parole e dintorni. Un percorso linguistico-culturale per il "Francese Lingua straniera", Bologna, Clueb, 2005; Sophie Moirand, Les discours de la presse quotidienne, observer, analyser, comprendre, Paris, Colin, 2007. All texts are available at the Biblioteca del Dipartimento di Lingue, Via Cartoleria
Assessment methods for Language support, module LSC
At the end of the semester, the students should be able to elaborate the conceptual framework of various types of articles and write them in a clear, precise and effective language.The written test will consists in the drafting of an article that must meet two fundamental parameters that will be valued at par: 1-The conceptual framework of the article requested. 2-The mastering of the language (appropriate enunciation, precise vocabulary, style appropriate to the article type, proper syntax and sentences, effective argument, proper punctuation). Please refer to the website for the extended program of teaching language exercises.
Teaching tools
The analysis tools presented go to the discourse analysis at the representation analysis. This is an interdisciplinary approach, particularly in regards to sociology and cultural anthropology.
Office hours
See the website of Paola Puccini