75289 - Functional Assessment and Clinical Tests in Physiotherapy - (CE)

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physiotherapy (cod. 8476)

Learning outcomes

After completing this module the student will have the ability to apply knowledge and understanding about the preventive and rehabilitative needs of the subject with neurolesion through the various methods of functional evaluation. 

Course contents

Student will know and have the ability to understand the theoretical and methodological foundations of clinical neuropsychology and rehabilitation implications of neuropsychological disorders.

Collection of anamnestic data of therapeutic interest and psychosocial rehabilitation. The evaluation of the functional and structural integrity and its impairments. The evaluation of assets and their limitations. The evaluation of participation in society and its restrictions. The evaluation of the contextual factors: environment and people (potential facilitators or barriers to achievement of autonomy). The evaluation through clinical reasoning of the data collected by discussion in teams when necessary. Validity, reliability, sensitivity, coding . Measurement levels : nominal scales, ordinal, at intervals, of relations. Composite scales, profiles and indexes. The measurement of the improvement. The measurement of the achievement of the policy. Measurements follow-UP. Levels of outcome. Instruments for measuring impairment. The Glasgow coma scale. The Mini-Mental Examination Motricity index and Trunk control test Istitutes National Assessment of Health Stroke scale. Sensory Stimulation Measure Coma near-coma scale. Measuring instruments of activity limitation. Katz ADL index. Funtional Independence measure. Funtional Assessment measure. Measuring instruments for the restriction of the participation. The questionnaire CHART. Community Integration Questionnaire.

The preparation of a rehabilitation folder


Harald Mauser "Scale e Punteggi.Quantificazione di deficit neurologici"

ED: Edi-Ermes

ICF Classificazione Internazionale del Funzionamento, della Disabilità e della Salute

ED: Erickson

Nino Basaglia "Trattato di Medicina Riabilitativa" Medicina Fisica e Riabilitazione"

ED: Idelson - Gnocchi

Teaching methods

Lectures, simulation, testing practices

Assessment methods

The end of course exam aims to assess the achievement of learning objectives:
-Know The preventive and rehabilitative needs of the subject with neurolesion
-Know The various methods of Functional Assessment
The final grade is determined by a written exam, the average marks obtained in five specific questions on topics related to the main objectives of the course and the formulation of a hypothesis of functional evaluation of a specific clinical situation. If the only vote of the hypothesis of functional assessment of the case report does not prove sufficient consideration it is to be understood not exceeded.

Teaching tools

PC, projector, simulations classroom, assessment scales, medical records, informed consent.

Office hours

See the website of Elisabetta Ricci


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.