- Docente: Ivo Quaranta
- Credits: 6
- SSD: M-DEA/01
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
Second cycle degree programme (LM) in
History and Oriental Studies (cod. 8845)
Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Cultural Anthropology and Ethnology (cod. 0964)
from Sep 18, 2024 to Oct 24, 2024
Learning outcomes
Students will learn about the main theorethical and metodological issues related to the socio-cultural analysis of ill/health.
Course contents
The first module will take into account the history of the academic debate by which Medical Anthropology established itself as a specific subfield within socio-cultural anthropology.
The second module will deal with the contemporary debate, and i twill involve students through the constitution of groups focussed on specific issues to be agreed upon with the lecturer.
Students will have to discuss at the exam four volumes for the 12 cfu course (points: 1, 2, 3, 4); two volumes for the 6 cfu (one volume from list 1 or 2; one volume from list 3 or 4). Exchange students can negotiate a specific program with the lecturer:
1. Pizza, G. (2005), Antropologia medica. Saperi,
pratiche e politiche del corpo, Roma, Carocci.
2. Quaranta I., (a cura) (2006), Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali, Milano, Raffaello Cortina.
3. One among the following:
AA.VV., (2006) Sofferenza Sociale, Annuario di Antropologia, Vol. 8. Roma, Meltemi.
Beneduce R., (2007), Etnopsichiatria. Sofferenza mentale e alterità fra storia, dominio e cultura, Carocci.
Beneduce R., (2010) Archeologia del trauma. Antropologia del sottosuolo, Laterza, Roma-Bari.
Cola M., (2012), Ragionevolmente differenti. Una riflessione antropologica su Sindrome di Asperger e Disturbo dello Spettro Autistico, I libri bi Emil, Bologna.
Cozzi, D., (2007), Le imperfezioni del silenzio. Riflessioni antropologiche sulla depressione femminile in un'area alpina. Roma, Bonanno Editore.
Ehrenberg A., (1999), La fatica di essere se stessi, Torino, Einaudi.
Fainzang S. (2009), Farmaci e società. Il paziente, il medico e la ricetta, Franco Angeli.
Good B., 2006 (1994), Narrare la malattia. Lo sguardo antropologico sul rapporto medico-paziente. Torino, Edizioni di comunità (Einaudi).
Gribaldo A., (2005), La natura scomposta. Riproduzione assistita, genere, parentela. Luca Sossella Editore
Hacking Ian (2008), Plasmare le persone. Quattroventi, Milano.
Minelli M. (2011), Santi, demoni, giocatori. Un'etnografia delle pratiche di salute mentale, Argo, Lecce
Pellecchia U., Zanotelli F., (2010), La cura e il potere. Ed.It, Firenze-Catania.
Quaranta I., Ricca M. (2012), Malati fuori luogo. Raffaello Cortina, Milano.
Raffaetà, R., (2011), Identità compromesse. Malattia e cultura: il caso dell'allergia. Ledizioni, Milano.
Ribeiro Corossacz V. (2004) Il corpo della nazione. Classificazione razziale e gestione sociale della riproduzione in Brasile, CISU
Rose N., (2008), La politica della vita, Einaudi, Torino.
Schirripa G., e Vulpiani P., (a cura di) (2000), L'ambulatorio del guaritore. Forme e pratiche del confronto tra biomedicina e medicine tradizionali in Africa e nelle Americhe. Lecce, Argo.
Schirripa, P., (2005) Le politiche della cura. Terapie, potere e tradizione nel Ghana contemporaneo, Argo, Lecce.
Schirripa, P. (2012) Terapie religiose. Rituali di guarigione, modernità, neoliberismo nel pentecostalismo contemporaneo, Roma, CISU
Taliani S., e Vacchiano, F., (2006), Altri Corpi. Antropologia ed etnopsicologia della migrazione, Milano, Unicopli.
Wacquant L., Scheper-Hughes N. (a cura) (2003), Corpi in vendita. Interi e a pezzi, Ombre Corte, Verona
4. One among the following:
Antze P., Lambek M. (1996), Tense Past: Cultural Essays in Trauma and Memory, Routledge
Baer, Singer, Susser (1997), Medical Anthropology and the World System: a critical perspective. Bergin & Garvey.
Biehl J. (2005), Vita: Life In A Zone Of Social Abandonment, University of California Press
Bourgois, Fassin, Heggenhougen, Nordstrom(2009), Global Health in Times of Violence, School for Advanced Research Press.
Csordas, T.J (1993) The Sacred Self: A Cultural Phenomenology of Charismatic healing. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Csordas, T.J., (2002), Body/Meaning/Healing. New York: Palgrave.
Del Vecchio Good M.J., Hyde S.T., Pinto S., Good B.J., (2008) Postcolonial Disorders (Ethnographic Studies in Subjectivity), University of California Press.
Del Vecchio- Good [et al.] (a cura) Pain as Human Experience. An Anthropological Perspective. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Farmer, P., 1992, AIDS and accusation: Haiti and the geography of blame, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Farmer, P., 1999, Infections and inequalities. The modern plagues, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Farmer, P., 2003, Pathologies of power. Health, human rights, and the new war on the poor, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Fassin D. e Pandolfi M. ( a cura) (2010), Contemporary States of Emergency: The Politics of Military and Humanitarian Interventions, Zone Books.
Fassin D., (2006), Quand les corps se souviennent : Expériences et politiques du sida en Afrique du Sud. Editions La Découverte, Paris.
Fassin D., (2010) La raison humanitaire. Une histoire morale du temps présent. Paris, Éditions de l'EHESS.
Fassin D., 1996, L'espace politique de la santé. Essai de généalogie. Paris, Presses Universitaires de France.
Fassin e Rechtman(2007), L'Empire du traumatisme enquete sur la condition de victime, Flammarion.
Fassin, D. (2021), Les Mondes de la santé publique: Excursions anthropologiques. Cours au collège de France 2020-2021, Paris: Éditions du Seuil.
Fassin, D.; Fourcade, M., (eds.), (2022), Pandemic Exposures: Economy and Society in the Time of Coronavirus [https://www.amazon.it/Pandemic-Exposures-Economy-Society-Coronavirus/dp/1912808803/ref=sr_1_30?keywords=fassin+didier&qid=1639728554&s=books&sprefix=fassin%2Cstripbooks%2C102&sr=1-30], Hau, The University of Chicago Press.
Fausto-Sterling A. (2020, updated edition), Sexing the Body: Gender Politics and the Construction of Sexuality, Basic Books.
Franklin S.F., Lock M. (a cura) (2003), Remaking life and death. Toward an anthropology of the biosciences, James Currey Ltd, Oxford.
Kleinamn, A. (1980) Patients and healers in the context of culture. University of Califronia Press, Berkeley.
Kleinman, A. (1995) Writing at the Margin: Discourse Between Anthropology and Medicine. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Kleinman, A. (2007), What Really Matters. Living a moral life amidst uncertainty and danger. Oxford University Press
Kleinman, A., Das, V. e Lock, M., (a cura), (1997), Social suffering, Berkeley, University of California Press.
Lock M., (1995), Encounters with Aging: Mythologies of Menopause in Japan and North America. University of California Press.
Lock, M. (2001) Twice Dead: Organ Transplants and the Reinvention of Death. University of California Press
Lock, Young, Cambrosio (a cura) (2000) Living and Working with the New Medical Technologies. Intersections of Inquiry. Cambridge University Press.
Lupton, D.; Willis, K., (eds.) (2021), The Covid-19 Crisis. Social Perspectives, London and New York: Routledge.
Manderson, L.; Burke, N.J.; Wahlberg, A., (eds.), (2021), Viral Loads: Anthropologies of Urgency in the Time of Covid-19, London, UCL Press
Martin, E. (1987) The Woman in the Body. Beacon Press.
Martin, E. (1994) Flexible Bodies. Tracking Immunity in American Culture - From the Days of Polio to the Age of AIDS. Boston: Beacon Press.
Mattingly C. e Garro L., (2000), Narrative and the Cultural Construction of Illness and Healing. Berkeley: University of California Press.
Mattingly, C. (1998) Healing dramas and clinical plots. The narrative structure of experience. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mazzeo, A. (2020), Dust Inside: Fighting and Living with Asbestos-Related Disasters in Brazil, Oxfrod: Berghahn Books.
Memmi D. (2003), Faire vivre et laisser mourir. Le Gouvernement contemporain de la naissance et de la mort, La Découverte, Paris.
Mol A. (2003), The Body Multiple: Ontology in Medical Practice, Duke University Press.
Nichter M. (2008), Global Health: Why Cultural Perceptions, Social Representations, and Biopolitics Matter, University of Arizona Press
Ong A. (1987) Spirits of Resistance and Capitalist Discipline. Factory Women in Malaysia. New York: State University of New York.
Petryna A. (2002), Life Exposed: Biological Citizens after Chernobyl, Princeton University Press.
Petryna A., (2009), When Experiments Travel: Clinical Trials and the Global Search for Human Subjects, Princeton University Press.
Petryna, Lakoff, Kleinman, (2006), Global Pharmaceuticals: Ethics, Markets, Practices, Duke University Press.
Scheper-Hughes N. (1993) Death Without Weeping: The Violence of Everyday Life in Brazil, University of California Press.
Singer e Baer (1995), Critical Medical Anthropology. Amityville, NY: Baywood Press.
Sunder Rajan, K. (2006), Biocapital: The Constitution of Postgenomic Life. Duke University Press
Young, A. (1995), The Harmony of Illusions. Inventing Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder. Princeton: Princeton University Press.
Teaching methods
Formal lectures with audio-visual support (when appropriate).
In each lecture, students will be engaged in order to verify the proper understanding of the issues discussed.
Assessment methods
Students who attend at least 75% of the lessons are considered to be attending.The final exam will be an oral one (presently still online on MS Teams ), with questions aimed to verify the student's knowledge of the themes discussed during frontal lessons (only for students that participated in classwork) as well as those treated in the program's texts. The questions will deal with general themes, and in his answer the student should show his capacity to go into specific details. Among the elements that concur in the final evaluation there are: detailed knowledge of the book's content, property of language, and especially the capacity of organizing the information showing expositive and critical skills.
Proper language and the ability to critically speak/write about the books' content will lead to a good/excellent final grade.
Acceptable language and the ability to resume the books' content will lead to a sufficient/fair grade.
Insufficient linguistic proficiency and fragmentary knowledge of the books' content will lead to a failure in passing the exam.
Information on exams dates:http://www.unibo.it/Portale/Guida/AlmaEsami.htm
Teaching tools
Students who require specific services and adaptations to teaching activities due to a disability or specific learning disorders (SLD), must first contact the appropriate office: https://site.unibo.it/studenti-con-disabilita-e-dsa/en/for-students .
Attending students are required to register at the following mailing list: ivo.quaranta.Antropologia_Corpo_Malattia
Office hours
See the website of Ivo Quaranta