12512 - Economics and Management

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Blended Learning
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Economics of Tourism (cod. 8847)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is able to know the main managerial dynamics about the business world in order  to evaluate the business system, its main processes, and the network development that is established with the enlarged external environment and with the competitive system in particular.


In addition, the student will have the opportunity to know both theoretically and practically the most important strategic and organizational activities of the company's activities, such as production and logistics management; marketing and corporate finance. A focus will be on  the study of the sector and the competition and strategic analysis aimed at achieving competitive advantage

Course contents

1) Competitive advantage and business model

2) Value creation

3) Resoruces and competences

4) strategy

5) organization

6) marketing

7) production

8) finance


Lipparini A. (a cura di), Economia e gestione delle imprese, Il Mulino, 2007. Capitoli 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 8, 10 (esclusi i par. 10.3 e 10.4).

- Fontana F. e Caroli M., Economia e gestione delle imprese, McGraw-Hill, Milano, 2009, terza edizione, cap. 6, par. 6.2 (pagg. 215-232).

- Torrisi, S. e Graziano, H. Eserciziario di Economia e gestione delle Imprese, Facoltà di Economia- sede Rimini, 2010, disponibile presso i docenti e tutor del corso

Teaching methods

oral explanations



practical activities

reading group 

Assessment methods

Assestment  of learning takes place through the final exam only, which ensures the acquisition of the knowledge and skills expected by carrying out a written test lasting 1 hour.


The written test consists of 10 multiple choice questions, questions about a business case, exercises and an open question. No partial proof is foreseen. It is not possible to keep books, notes or electronic equipment with you during the exam. Registration for the exam is compulsory and students must register through AlmaEsami according to the general rules of the School of Economics, Management and Statistics The final score is 30 points and the minimum to pass the exam is 18/30 written exam at the end of the course.

Teaching tools

case studies, slides, reading papers

Office hours

See the website of Manuela Presutti


Quality education Industry, innovation and infrastructure Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.