Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Elisa Truffelli (Modulo 1) Elena Luppi (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes (cod. 8780)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course students will:

- know the methodological issues related to educational research

- know both qualitative and quantitative methods of research

- know the main research designs

- know methods and tools to realize empirical educational research.

Furthermore, students will be able to:

- make a connection between multiple variables to perform complex analysis of specific educational environments

- design a case study to deepen the knowledge of new or less studied educational fields and reflect autonomously upon them

- structure a project presentation and report on progress and results of an empirical research

- communicate clearly and correctly the results of an educational research using different communication channels and registers

- use proper tools to monitor his/her own learning process, reflect upon it and activate a process of revision in order to improve it

Course contents

The course presents the methods of empirical research in education.

Contents include the following issues.

Desing in educational research:

- steps in quantitative research approches

- phases in qualitative research approches

Tools for data acquisition:

- planning of questionnaires

- interview theory and techniques

- focus groups theory and techniques

Data elaboration and interpretation

Dissemination of research results


Please contact the professors

Teaching methods

The lessons will be interactive, including group work on course topics, for which students are expected to have consulted the designated text books throughout the course (and not simply at the end), so they can participate effectively. Small and large group discussions will be stimulated both on the analyses undertaken and on the texts studied.  

Attendance, although not compulsory, is strongly recommended for the duration of the course, as the topic of educational research is often unfamiliar to students.

In addition, a pratical activity of research will be proposed to attending students to learn to desing step by step a research project in a learning by doing perspective.

Assessment methods

Oral exam during the regular exam sessions.

Please contact the professors

Teaching tools

- slides

- group work

- e-learning platform activities

- seminars

Office hours

See the website of Elisa Truffelli

See the website of Elena Luppi


Quality education Gender equality

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.