- Docente: Enrico Paolini
- Credits: 9
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Enrico Paolini (Modulo 1) Aldo Romani (Modulo 2) Enrico Testi (Modulo 3)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2) Traditional lectures (Modulo 3)
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Electronics and Telecommunications Engineering for Energy (cod. 8770)
from Sep 26, 2024 to Nov 21, 2024
from Sep 24, 2024 to Dec 10, 2024
from Sep 27, 2024 to Dec 06, 2024
Learning outcomes
The student acquires the capability to solve a complex design project, to formulate technical specifications based on the project objectives, and to carry out the implementation of an electronic, communication and signal processing, or networking system.
Course contents
Module 1.
This module introduces the student to digital signal processor (DSP) programming and to model-based embedded systems programming. At first, the system architecture and the programming environment are addressed. Next, the student performs several practical projects concerning the implementation of real-time algorithms running on a DSP as well as practical projects with Matlab/Simulink. Among them:
- Implementation of FIR and IIR digital filters and their characterization;
- Implementation of adaptive filters based on the LMS algorithm;
- Audio effects;
- Signal spectral analysis systems based on FFT;
- Numerical communication systems.
Module 2.
This module of the course will introduce several aspects related to the design of electronic circuits. More specifically, the course will present advanced topics related to:
- modeling, design and fabrication of printed circuit boards (PCB)
- the use of CAD for Electronic Design Automation (EDA) software tools for the design of systems based on discrete components on PCBs.
The module will introduce the fabrication technology of PCBs and foundations of signal and power integrity. Then, the module will present the standard design flow for PCBs, the main issues related to the design of the layout, and design techniques for multi-layer PCBs.
Module 3.
This module introduces students to advanced statistical signal processing techniques used in modern telecommunications networks, covering both established topics and innovative solutions. The program includes lectures and laboratory exercises using MATLAB. Specific activities include:
- Introduction to basic machine learning and statistical signal processing techniques: linear and non-linear regression, stochastic gradient, detection and classification algorithms, clustering.
- Implementation and use of algorithms discussed in lectures to solve common problems in telecommunications systems.
Module 1.
The lecture notes distributed by the instructor and the descriptions of the projects to be carried out (made available online in electronic format in the institutional repositories) are a sufficient instrument to learn the module contents. The following textbooks may be useful to the student for consultation purposes:
- T.B. Welch, C.H.G. Wright, and M.G. Morrow, Real-Time Digital Signal Processing. CRC Press, 2006.
- R. Chassaing, Digital Signal Processing and Applications with the C6713 and C6416 DSK. Wiley Interscience, 2005.
- R. Chassaing, Digital Signal Processing: Laboratory Experiments Using C and the TMS320C31 DSK. Wiley Series on Topics in Signal Processing, 1999.
Module 2.
Course notes and presentations will be made available online to the student through the institutional repositories. The following textbooks may be useful to the student for consultation purposes:
- S. C. Thierauf, High-Speed Circuit Board Signal Integrity, Artech House, 2004
- H. B. Bakoglu , Circuits, Interconnections and Packaging for VLSI, Addison-Wesley, 1990.
Module 3.
The professor will provide electronic format handouts from the lectures on institutional repositories. The following textbooks may be useful to the student for consultation purposes:
- C. M. Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2007.
- J. Watt, R. Borhani, A. K. Katsaggelos, Machine Learning Refined: Foundations, Algorithms, and Applications, Cambridge University Press, 2020.
- I. Goodfellow, Y. Bengio, A. Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016.
- R. M. Gray, L. D. Davisson, An Introduction to Statistical Signal Processing, Cambridge University Press, 2012.
- M. Mitzenmacher, E. Upfal, Probability and Computing: Randomized Algorithms and Probabilistic Analysis, Cambridge University Press, 2005.
Teaching methods
Module 1.
Most of the activity will take place in the Laboratory of Electronics and Telecommunications and will mostly be devoted to the development of laboratory experiences in which algorithms for digital signal processing will be implemented. Such experiences will require a team work (typically, two students per group). Some frontal lectures are also foreseen, mainly devoted to the explanation of the DSP projects to be developed and, wherever necessary, to reviewing theoretical results useful to understand the practical experiences.
Module 2.
Besides conventional lectures, a relevant part of class activity will be carried on in the laboratory of Electronics with hands-on sessions in order to learn the use of CAD EDA tools for PCB design. Seminars held by experts from academy and industry might also be proposed.
Module 3.
The module includes lectures to introduce specific topics and delve into operational aspects, as well as practical exercises in the laboratory. Special emphasis is placed on exercises, which are essential to acquire a comprehensive understanding of the techniques introduced in the lectures. In order to motivate and engage the student, each exercise is structured to achieve certain practical objectives functional to the completion of subsequent exercises. The exercises are also designed to encourage students' ability to work in groups.
Assessment methods
Module 1.
A project will be assigned by the instructor to each group of students. Each group will develop the project and propose a DSP implementation of it. Each group will produce a report that must describe the project objectives, the identified solution, a description of the implemented algorithm, all source files that have been developed, and the individual contribution to the project of each team member. After the technical report has been delivered to the instructor, each group will present their project and will answer to oral questions from the instructor.
Module 2.
The students will develop the design of an electronic circuit and its implementation on a 4-layer PCB technology. A technical report shall be delivered and shall present the main design choices. The exam will consist in a discussion of the technical report and in an oral examination on the contents of the course. The most important elements of the assessments will include the knowledge and proper application of the concepts and of the design techniques presented in the course, the capability of autonomously applying the concepts presented in the course, and the correct use of the technical language of the discipline.
Module 3.
Learning assessment is conducted through a final exam that aims to evaluate the student's ability to apply the knowledge acquired in lectures to solve common problems in telecommunications systems. The exam consists of an oral examination, where the student is asked to present a final report on the experiences conducted in the laboratory and any end-of-course projects.
Nota - In considerazione della tipologia di attività e dei metodi didattici adottati, la frequenza di questa attività formativa richiede la preventiva partecipazione di tutti gli studenti ai Moduli 1 e 2 di formazione sulla sicurezza nei luoghi di studio, in modalità e-learning.
Teaching tools
Module 1.
The module foresees the use of Texas Instruments TMS320C6713 development kit, programmed by Code Composer Studio software suite. The DSP development kits will be interfaced with laboratory instrumentation such as the signal generator and the oscilloscope.
Module 2.
Besides conventional class equipment, the module will make extensive use of the laboratory of Electronics equipped with workstation with CAD EDA tools for PCB design.
Module 3.
PCs equipped with Windows operating system and MATLAB.
Office hours
See the website of Enrico Paolini
See the website of Aldo Romani
See the website of Enrico Testi
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.