- Docente: Bianca Maria Piraccini
- Credits: 1
- SSD: MED/35
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)
from Nov 13, 2024 to Dec 11, 2024
Learning outcomes
The course aims to present students with the physiological and pathological evolution of skin dystrophies in the stages of the aging processes. The clinical aspect of malignant and benign skin neoplasms and dystrophic states will be illustrated. The criteria for differential diagnosis will be specified. Treatment will be discussed with particular attention to the aesthetic result following physical / chemical / instrumental, pharmacological and surgical procedures. Alterations of the skin appendages will be illustrated: the clinic and the management will be focused both medical and surgical. Eumorphic Plastic Surgery will be illustrated by analyzing and congenital and acquired morphological anomalies of the face and body including aesthetic bodily alterations also caused by aging. Patient selection methods and indications for surgery will be presented. In the relationship called doctor-patient relationship, space will be given to the concepts of patient expectation and satisfaction. Medical-legal aspects of plastic surgery will also be discussed. The problems concerning Eumorphic Plastic Surgery are framed in the classification of somatic - psychic dysmorphopathies as they can be present in all body districts, causing psychic suffering states. The principles and techniques of Plastic Surgery related to these problems will be presented. The aesthetic changes of the body with mental health are harmoniously integrated with the methods of Eumorphic Plastic Surgery. Diagnostics and classification of dysmorphopathies will be illustrated to establish the therapeutic strategy. The treatment of these pathologies, the most serious of which is dysmorphophobia, passes through the treatment of dysmorphopathies, integrated with psychotherapy and with Psychomorphological aspects. At the end of the course, therefore, the student will be able to recognize the morphological aspects for the diagnosis and management of treated skin lesions. He will have understood the methods of doctor-patient relationship to evaluate expectations, he will have knowledge of the surgical techniques to correct the dysmorphies of the face and body aimed at giving external and internal eumorphy. At the end of the course the following will be evaluated: knowledge and applied comprehension skills, independent judgment, communication skills, ability to learn.
Course contents
The course will consider the most frequent pathologies of facial hair, including hair, eyelashes, eyebrows, beard, which are an important aesthetic but also functional role. The most frequent alterations characteristic of the face will also be considered.
Piraccini BM Nail Disorders A Practical Guide to Diagnosis and Management. Springer, 2014.
Tosti A, Piraccini BM. Tricologia ambulatoriale. Malattie dei capelli e del cuoio capelluto. Springer 2012.
Teaching methods
Assessment methods
Teaching tools
Power point, Slides sets printed in pdf.
Office hours
See the website of Bianca Maria Piraccini

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.