- Docente: Monika Joechler
- Credits: 3
- SSD: VET/09
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Veterinary Medicine (cod. 8617)
from Sep 17, 2024 to Dec 11, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course by a theoretical and practical training, the student will possess the theoretical knowledge and practical skills required to conduct on-site regional and general anesthesia on pets, on non-conventional and most common of the wild ones (in the territory), necessary for minor and mayor surgery and clinical procedures. The Student will have the necessary skills to use the basic equipment for anesthesia monitoring care and expertise to address the most frequent states of emergency and to implement the practices of resuscitation anesthesiology.
Course contents
The teaching subject is a component of the Integrated Course (I.C.) of SEMIOTICS, SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, ANAESTHESIOLOGY AND VETERINARY OPERATIVE MEDICINE.
Educational aim of the Integrated Course (I.C). The IC aims to provide the student with: - the etiopathogenetic and clincal bases of surgical diseases in large and companion animals in order to formulate a correct diagnostic protocol; - the basic anaesthetic and surgical notions transversal to the different species; - the appropriate terminology in order to communicate properly with clients, professional colleagues and responsible authorities
The lecturer is the undersigned.
The Form for which the undersigned is responsible has the following Contents:
- general considerations regarding general anaesthesia and loco-regional anaesthesia, clinical evaluations of the anaesthetic patient. Introduction to general anaesthesia, to the principles of sedation and anesthetic premedication, to the concepts of systemic and loco-regional anaeshesia/analgesia; general concepts of pharmacology of injectable anesthetics, inhalation and local anaesthetics; muscle relaxation during anaesthesia. Evaluation of the anesthetic patient by acquiring clinical and instrumental monitoring parameters. General principles of general inhalation anesthesia and assisted/controlled ventilation; acquisition of aids, equipment and systems useful for administering of an inhalation anaesthesia; acquisition of oro-tracheal and alternative methods of intubation/ inhalatory supporting of different species;
- general principles of local-regional analgesia/anaesthesia. Classification of loco-regional anaesthesias. The loco-regional anaesthesia in the different species.
The Student will also participate in practical teaching lessons alternately in teaching classrooms, operating theaters, clinics, laboratories, in which he will acquire the practical skills inherent in the preparation of the instruments and the execution of the oro-tracheal intubation procedures in the dog and cat, assisted/controlled ventilation, assembly and use of apparatuses and systems for inhalation anaesthesia and equipment suitable for clinical and instrumental monitoring of the veterinary patient; activities for which appropriate clothing - jacket and trousers or shirts - is required. During these activities he will develop his knowledge using specific equipment, mannequins, animal carcasses.
The Student will also be equipped with disposable latex boots, headsets, masks and gloves for activities that require such aids.
The Syllabus of the course unit and the list of EAEVE Day One Competences that the course unit contributes to achieving can be viewed on the dedicated page.
ANESTESIA E ANALGESIA Cane Gatto Animali Esotici - C.Seymour, R.Gleed; Utet, Torino, 2003;
Dolore e Analgesia negli Animali - D. Fonda, Point Veterinaire Italie, 2009;
Lumb & Jone's VETERINARY ANESTHESIA - J.C.Thurmon, W.J.Tranquilli, G.J. Benson; 4th Ed.; Blackwell Science Publ., Baltimora, 2014;
Veterinary Anaesthesia - Clarke KW, Trim CM, Hall LW, 11° Ed. Saunders Elsevier, 2014;
Lumb & Jone's VETERINARY ANESTHESIA AND ANALGESIA- K.A. Grimm,L.A. Lamont, W.J.Tranquilli, S.A. Green, S.A. Robertson; 5th Ed.; Wiley Blackwell, 2015.
Teaching methods
The student has in advance the handouts relating to the topics of the program. During the lectures the topics are exposed in an in-depth and interactive way (compatibly with the health situation, according to the modality in presence or in streaming), consenting interventions of requests and clarifications. During the exercises, the topics already covered in the theoretical lessons are re-proposed in their practical application. These practical exercises are carried out during the clinical activity in the clinics, in the operating theaters, in the teaching laboratories and in the classrooms prepared for practical activity on animal models and carcasses, practical activity on aids / devices and equipment / equipment related to the subject of study.
The teacher provides, monthly, at request of the students, repetition seminars concerning the practical test and topics related to the exam subjects
All students who attend, for study and research reasons, the places listed above, are equated, with regard to their safety, to workers and as such must be trained on the correct procedures to be followed in activities with specific risks.
Assessment methods
The exam will take place at the end of the course and will focus on the evaluation of the main teaching objectives such as:
- Knowledge of general considerations and clinical evaluations of the anesthesiological patient (companion animal, production animal, unconventional animal);
-Knowledge of the correct terms and methods for the administration, in animals, of anaesthetic drugs, the choice and management of the appropriate anaesthetic protocol, the execution and evaluation of clinical and instrumental monitoring of the patient, the appropriate therapy to cope with the complications and emergencies related to the anaesthetic procedure.
- General knowledge of the principles and methods of inhalation anaesthesia and of the equipment and systems useful for conducting the same in the various animal species;
- General knowledge and methods of application of oro-tracheal and alternative intubation/inhalation teqniques and support in the different species
- Knowledge of general principles of analgesia and loco / regional anesthesia. Local anesthesia in the different species.
The verification takes place colloquially during the practical exercises and with oral and practical verification during the exam, based on the program of the last year of the course, regardless of the year of attendance of the candidate.
The exam focuses on 3 questions, basically of "General Anesthesia", "Local / Regional Anesthesia" and "Demonstration of Practical Skills in the Manual Procedures necessary for the Management of the anesthesiological patient".
The exam sessions are proposed within the appropriate site, both for current students and for students not attending the course, throughout the Academic Year.
It is essential that the Student knows the notions deriving from the courses of the previous years, with particular attention to the specific preparatory aspects.
The final record of the INTEGRATED COURSE of "SEMEIOTICS, SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, ANESTHESIOLOGY AND VETERINARY OPERATIVE MEDICINE" results from the mean of the marks obtained in the final evaluations of the single different exams of the I.C..
The final grade of the INTEGRATED COURSE of "SEMIOTICS, SURGICAL PATHOLOGY, ANESTHESIOLOGY AND VETERINARY OPERATIVE MEDICINE" comes from the Weighted Average of the marks of the individual exams of the Course. The evaluation is expressed with a mark out of thirty for the exams. The test is passed with a score of at least 18/30. In the case of maximum marks (30/30), honors can be attributed.
Criteria for evaluating the acquisition of knowledge / skills:
· Understanding of the student with respect to the individual topics required;
· Ability to link and compare the different aspects and contents dealt with;
· Ability to apply theoretical knowledge to a clinical context;
· Ability to exhibit and language properties
A very thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with high skills of critical analysis, connection and a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with the maximum score (30-30L).
A thorough knowledge of the topics addressed in the course, together with good analytical and critical skills and the possession of a sure command of specific terminology will be evaluated with good marks (27-29).
A technically adequate preparation and a sufficient analytical capacity, even if not particularly articulated, expressed in a correct language, will produce fair evaluations (23-26).
Sufficient preparation and analytical skills, expressed in a language that is barely formally correct, will determine the sufficiency (18-22).
Access to the trial is free. The test lasts at least 30 minutes and aids are not allowed, except for students entitled to use them.
Students can book for the exam only using the methods provided by the AlmaEsami online system.
The Student has the right to refuse the verbalization of the proposed positive grade at least once (according to the University didactic regulations Art.16, paragraph 5).
The Student with DISABILITY or SLD, who needs adaptations to teaching during the lesson phase or in the final evaluation phase, must contact me by email, inserting the reference staff he is followed in C/C (of the specific DISABILITY service 'or DSA).
The undersigned, as Head of the Integrated Course, records the exam; therefore the Candidate is invited to contact me by email, possibly communicating the dates of the individual exam tests.
Teaching tools
Lecture notes provided by the teacher.
Anesthesiological cases managed in the structures of the University Veterinary Teaching Hospital (clinics, operating theaters) and teaching materials (mannequins, animal carcasses, equipment and instruments) proposed to the Student in teaching laboratories and classrooms.
Anesthesia Service Equipment and Materials;
Material available on the Veterinary Teaching Portal;
Iconographic material provided by the teacher.
Didactic Material associated with the respective Projections, available at the Didactic Laboratory -Clinical Skill Lab - of DIMEVET.
Office hours
See the website of Monika Joechler
This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.