00148 - Organic Chemistry

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Moduli: Susanna Guernelli (Modulo 1) Susanna Guernelli (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Applied Pharmaceutical Sciences (cod. 8518)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the basics of organic chemistry involving carbon compounds, the main methods of synthesis, the mechanisms by which organic compounds are formed and transformed. In particular he captures the basics of the chemistry of functional groups and stereochemistry.

Course contents

Introduction to Organic Chemistry

2. Covalent bonding and shape of molecules

3. Alkanes and cycloalkanes

4. Stereochemistry

5. Alkyl halides

6. Organometallic compounds

7. Alkenes

8. Alkynes

9. Alcohols

10. Ethers, epoxides and sulphides

11. Benzene and aromaticity

12- Arenes

13. Phenols

14. Aldehydes and ketones

15. Carboxylic acids

16. Functional derivatives of carboxylic acids

17. Amines

Special Part

- Aromaticity and heterocyclic aromatic compounds

- Radical reactions

- Biomolecules: carbohydrates, amino acids and proteins, lipids. Attention will be paid to their structure and stereochemistry


W. H. Brown, B. L. Iverson, E. V. Anslyn, C. S. Foote, Chimica Organica, 6 ed., 2014, EdiSES.

P. C. Vollhardt, N. E Schore, Chimica Organica, 4 Ed, Zanichelli

W. H. Brown, T. Poon, Introduzione alla Chimica Organica, 6a ed., 2020, EdiSES.

J. Gorzynski Smith, A.Capperucci, S. Menichetti , Fondamenti di chimica organica, 4/ED CON CONNECT, McGrawHill

Tavola di Chimica Organica, 2017, Edizioni IDELSON-GNOCCHI

Teaching methods

Theoretical lessons; during and at the end of the course the exercises will be done.

Assessment methods

Wtritten (80 minutes) and oral (45 minuts) examinations.

The written test consists of 6 questions (5 points each, with partial points for partial answers).

Students who pass the written test with a score of 18/30 to 30/30 will support the oral test (about 45 minutes)

Teaching tools

Projector and PC. Using materials of textbooks available on web.

PDF slides will be available on AMS Campus web site

Office hours

See the website of Susanna Guernelli