66970 - Fundamentals of Industrial Chemistry

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Rimini
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Chemistry and Technologies for the Environment and Materials (cod. 8514)

Learning outcomes

Aim of the course is to supply the fundamental concepts on the principal classes of reactions and raw materials utilized in the industrial chemical production and management of the same reactions from an application point of view, developing sensitivity to the problems connected with safety and environmental sustainability. In particular these concepts are finalized to analize simplified flowsheets of chemical processes, that take in reagent treatment, reaction, product separation and purification, and to evaluate dangerous and using flammable reaction mixtures processes.

Course contents


Knowledge of the main physical quantities, their mutual relationships and main unit measurements.

Raw materials and chemical industry linked to it: coal, natural gas, biomass

Chemical reaction in its material and energy balance, homogeneous and heterogeneous chemical equilibrium, spontaneity of chemical reactions and their rate

Nomenclature and structure of organic compounds; the structure and reactivity of the different functional groups of the organic molecules; The concepts of structural isomerism and stereoisometry. The risk associated with laboratory operations  and the proper disposal of residues of the activities

Knowledge of the laws of thermodynamics and of the principles of kinetics


Course contents

The chemical industry and the industrial chemistry. Raw materials and chemical industry linked to it: coal, natural gas, biomass. Structure of the chemical industry: base chemistry, intermediate chemistry, specialty chemistry. Concepts of industrial catalysis. Management of chemical reactions: exothermic reactions in gas and in liquid phase, oxidation and hydrogenation reactions; endothermic reactions, dehydrogenation reactions; acid-base reactions. Concepts of industrial economy.

Analysis of flowsheets of industrial processes. Detailed examples. Basic concepts on the safety criteria in the chemical industry and the main causes of risk. Evaluation of process parameters in model reactions.

In laboratory some experiences will be carried out: synthesis of bulk and supported catalysts, an example of acid catalized reaction in discontinuos reactor, determination of process parameters in reaction of industrial interest.


J.A. Moulijn, M. Makkee, A. van Diepen, Chemical Process Technology, Wiley & Sons, 2001.
K. H. Buchel, H.-H. Moretto, P. Woditsch, Industrial Inorganic Chemistry, Wiley-VCH, 2000.
A. Girelli, L. Matteoli, F. Parisi, Trattato di Chimica Industriale ed Applicata, Zanichelli, Bologna, A. Heaton(Ed.), An Introduction to Industrial Chemistry, Blackie Acad. & Prof., London ,1996.
G. Natta, I. Pasquon, P. Centola. Principi della Chimica Industriale, CLUP, Milano, 1989

Teaching methods

Lectures with the use of many practical examples and specific exercises to illustrate the program. The laboratory course, in addition to lectures, is made of laboratory experiments. The practical activities are carried out in the chemical laboratory.

Assessment methods

The exam is done through a final test, aimed at ascertaining the acquisition of the expected knolwedge and skills.

The test want to evaluate the comprehension and personal elaboration by the student of the treated themes. Positively will be evaluated the critical and logical capacity to justify the choice proposed.

The final exam consists of an oral test and a report on activities carried out in the laboratory.

The oral test consists of a discussion on the contents of the course. The outcome of this part accounts for the 90% of the final vote.

The report on the activity carried out in the laboratory, is determined by reference to accuracy in the description of applied experimental methodology, and fairness in the elaboration and discussion of the obtained results. The delivery by each group is normally required at least one week before the oral test taken by a member of that group. Attendance to the laboratory activities is compulsory. The outcome contributes to the 10% of the final vote.

The final vote, out of thirty, is therefore the weighted average of the two contributions described above.

Teaching tools

Lectures carried out in the classroom are integrated with practical activities in the chemical laboratory. Guidelines for the laboratory experiences are available during the course.

All the didactic material of the course (Power Point Files) is available to the students as both paperand electronic version

Office hours

See the website of Nikolaos Dimitratos


Affordable and clean energy Industry, innovation and infrastructure Life on land

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.