65931 - Inorganic and General Chemistry

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Environmental Sciences (cod. 8011)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has a qualitative but rigorous knowledge of the principles of interpretation of general and inorganic chemistry. In particular, it is able to: - understand and describe the composition, structure and reactivity of molecules - using the periodic law as a basis for rationalization of the variety and complexity of chemical phenomena; - perform simple laboratory manipulations. The student also has knowledge of the chemical elements of more widespread in the environment, with particular attention to their importance in natural and industrial processes.

Course contents

Prerequisites. Basic mathematical functions: roots, power of and logarithms. Solutions of algebraic equations, Knowledge of the principal physical tenets, their correlation with each other and their measure units.

Introduction. Chemical and physical properties of matter. States of aggregation and phases.

Atoms. The fundamental laws of chemistry. Subatomic particles. Atomic number and mass number. Isotopes. Mole. Wave-particle dualism and quantum-mechanical model of atom; quantum numbers and their meaning, orbital shells and sub-shells, electronic configurations.

The Periodic Table. Periodic properties. Dimensions of atoms and ions, ionization energy, electronic affinity and interpretation of their periodic behavior.

Name of inorganic compounds. Chemical compounds. Oxidation numbers. Name of inorganic compounds.

Stoichiometry. Chemical reactions, chemical equations and their balancing. Reactions in solution. Concentration in solution and dilution. Acid-base reactions. Redox reactions and their balancing. Combustion reactions. Titrations. Limiting reagent and reaction yield.

Chemical bond. Electronegativity. Compounds characteristics as a function of chemical bonds. Ionic bond: reticular energy, Born-Haber cycle. Covalent bond: octet rule, Lewis structures, multiple bonds, resonance, partial and formal charges, molecules geometry, valence bond model, hybrid orbitals. Metallic bond. Intermolecular bonds and hydrogen bond.

Gases. Properties of gases, laws of gases, ideal gas law, Dalton law on partial pressures. Ideal and real gases.

The solid state. Physical properties of solids. Crystal structures. Ionic, covalent, molecular and metallic solids. Polymorphism and isomorphism.

Chemical equilibrium. Haber process. Law of mass action. Relation between Kp and Kc. Principle of Le Chatelier. Homogeneous and eterogeneous equilibria.

Equilibria in solution. Dissociation of water and pH. Properties and strength of acids and bases. pH calculations for strong and weak acids and bases, salts and pH of their solutions. Buffer solutions. Solubility and solubility product. The common ion effect. Titration curves; pH indicators.

Phase diagrams. Phase diagrams of pure substances: equilibrium curves, triple point, critic point.

Liquids and solutions. Vapor pressure and liquid properties. Colligative properties. Osmotic pressure.

Fundamentals of Inorganic Chemistry. Overview on the chemical properties of the principal elements as a function of their position in the Periodic Table. Elements and compounds of high environmental relevance.


Course contents can be found in any university book of General Chemistry. Suggested books

- Palmisano, Schiavello "ELEMENTI DI CHIMICA", EDISES

- Petrucci, Herring, Madura, Bissonnette "CHIMICA GENERALE, Principi ed applicazioni moderne”, Ed. PICCIN

- Del Zotto "Esercizi di Chimica Generale" - EDISES

Materials from lectures are available through username and password in IOL Insegnamenti online - Supporto online alla didattica. https://iol.unibo.it/ - Università di Bologna. The use of this material does NOT substitute the use of text book.

Teaching methods

The course consists of 8 CFU: 6CFU of Lectures,1CFU of numerical exercises and 1CFU of laboratory experiments.

Numerical exercises and laboratory activity are focused to acquire practical skills.

Assessment methods

Written and oral tests.

Written test presents numerical problems. To proceed to the oral exam the minimum mark requested is 18/30. Oral test is aimed at verifying the acquired knowledge and skills.

During the course, 2 partial written tests are planned.

On written tests only pen, scientific calculator and periodic table of elements are admitted.

Teaching tools

Blackboard and video projector. Chemical laboratory activity.

Lessons in classroom accompanied by suitable exercises and practical experiences in laboratory.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Francesca Soavi


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.