00037 - Anaesthesiology

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

Acquire basic elements of general and Loco-Regional Anaesthesia; Understand the components of pain. The preparation of the surgical patient to the intervention. Understand the main phases of general anesthesia, the instruments and drugs employed for the induction, intubation, the maintenance and the awakening from General Anaesthesia. Instruments and drugs employed for Loco-Regional Anaesthesia . Organization, techniques and instruments for the treatment of the post-operative pain. Pain evaluation.

Course contents

1. Introduction to Anaesthesia and the suppression of pain. The basic elements of neuro-pathophysiology and clinics of pain.

2. The premedication to the surgical intervention; the positioning of the surgical patient on the operating table; monitoring the anaesthetized patient in the operating room.

3. General Anaesthesia: Induction, intubation, the principal pharmaceutical classes used for general anesthesia, its maintenance and the awakening phase.

4. Regional Anaestesia: techniques of topical, plexic and neuro-axial analgesia. The peridural and intrathecal anaesthesia and analgesia.

5. post operative pain issues: techniques, tools, drugs (NSAIDS, Opioids and Local Anaesthetics) and pain evaluation. Acute Pain Service.


In addition to the provided didactic material the reading of the following is recommended :

1. Categories of congruence between inpatient self-reported pain and nurses evaluation. Melotti RM, Samolsky Dekel BG, et al. Eur J Pain. 2009 Oct;13(9):992-1000. Epub 2008 Dec 31.

2. Pain prevalence and predictors among inpatients in a major Italian teaching hospital. A baseline survey towards a pain free hospital. Melotti RM, Samolsky-Dekel BG et al. Eur J Pain. 2005 Oct;9(5):485-95. Epub 2004 Nov 6.

Teaching methods

1. Frontal lectures

2. Clinical cases

Assessment methods

The class is part of an integrated course. The examination at the end of this class aims to appraise the attainment of the didactic objectives exposed during the lessons according to the program of this particular class. The student will be questioned for verifying the attainment of the didactic objectives by the responsible of the class using a quiz of 30 questions with multiple answer choices, at the end of the cycle of the lessons. The final score is defined, at the end of the test, and expressed out of 30s (i.e. 18/30 the least – 30/30 cum laude the maximum score). This score will be integrated with those of the other classes of the Integrated Course's scores to establish the final result.

Teaching tools

Didactic Material and the slides shown during the lessons are provided on UNIBO site.

Office hours

See the website of Boaz Gedaliahu Samolsky Dekel


Good health and well-being Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.