29741 - Machine Design and Drafting T

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Mechanical Engineering (cod. 0927)

Learning outcomes

Students deepen their theoretical knowledges on modelling, machine design, tolerancing, material choosing. The course is at the second cycle of the third year of Mechanical Engineering, therefore Students, under the supervision of the Teacher, can apply the content of the theoretical part of this course, together with the whole experience acquired in basic Drawing, Machine Design, Applied Mechanics and Technology to practical applications in the mechanical and industrial fields. Students will disassemble, study, re-design and model actual machine assemblies and components. Modelling is performed by utilizing advanced design-and-drawing CAD 3D tools.

Course contents

Skills acquired during the first-year basic course (Disegno Meccanico e Automatico), inside the present course and in all the others of Machine Design, Applied Mechanics, Technology, etc., are exploited in order to disassemble, measure, re-design and model in 3D some assemblies chosen among mechanical applications and available for the Students during laboratories.

Course consists in theorethical and laboratory activities.

Theoretical teaching

Basic concepts

Assonometric views, actual surface shape recostruction, sheet metal flat pattern drawing.

Dimensional tolerancing

Choice of the right shape, dimensioning and tolerancing of components performed by fusion, forging, stamping, rolling, shearing, punching, drawing and deep drawing; choice of dimensional tolerances in hub-shaft interference fit; functional analysis and identification of the tolerancing chains in actual mechanical assemblies.

Geometrical tolerancing

Feature and Feature of size; Macrogeometrical errors; Form, Orientation, Location and Run-out geometrical tolerancing; Taylor's Rule (or Envelope principle); Maximum Material Requirements, Least Material Requirements, Reciprocity Requirements.


Teamwork in classroom

Students, divided into groups, measure and sketch existing industrial components and assemblies, perform improvements, shape optimization, dimensioning, tolerancing, material selection, etc.; in developing this activity, Student must compile, take care and conserve a personal copybook with notes, re-designs, projects, etc., testifying the work performed during the year. This copybook will be evaluated by the Teacher in the final exam.

Individual activity

Each Student makes models for components and assemblies studied in the previous step through 3D CAD modeller; afterwards, they carry out constructive 2D drawings from 3D models; optimization or re-design of some peculiar aspects of components or assemblies might be performed.


Knowledges and skills pertaining to the first-year course Disegno Meccanico e Automatico (Mechanical Drawing) must have been acquired by the Students to be able to fruitfully attend to this third-year course.

Contents of the books prescribed during the first-year course are therefore propedeutical for this course.

Direct references to theory lessons

The teaching material, provided by the teacher and referring directly to the lessons, can be found on the teaching on-line Platform, in the section reserved to the course of Disegno di Macchine T (https://iol.unibo.it/?lang=en).

Reference books

- CONTI, "Disegno Tecnologico", Vol. 1 e 2, Ed. Pitagora, Bologna.

- FILIPPI, "Disegno di Macchine", Vol. 1, 2, Ed. Hoepli, Milano.

- MANFE', POZZA, SCARATO, "Disegno Meccanico", Vol. 1, 2, 3, Ed. Principato, Milano.

- BALDASSINI, “Manuale per Disegnatori Tecnici” or similar.

In-depth books (in alfabetic order inside each thematic area)

List of the recommended books for support or study, organized below in classes of arguments, is extensive in order to provide a wide documentation for the students. This does not imply that they must necessarily be purchased. A large part of them can be consulted in the library and the partition of the students into groups, described above, can facilitate an alternative purchase of the various volumes, with exchange of them between the various members of the group itself.

Design and Drafting

- BERTOLINE, WIEBE, “Fondamenti di Comunicazione Grafica”, McGraw-Hill.

- CALIGARIS, FAVA, TOMASELLO, “Dal Progetto al Prodotto”, Paravia, Torino.

- CHIRONE, TORNINCASA, "Disegno Tecnico Industriale", Vol. 1, 2, Ed. Capitello, Torino.

- STRANEO, CONSORTI, "Disegno di Costruzioni Meccaniche, Vol. 1, 2, Ed. Principato, Milano.

- CARFAGNI, FURFERI, GOVERNI, VOLPE, "Esercizi di disegno meccanico", Ed. Zanichelli, Bologna.

- UNI Ml, "Norme per il Disegno tecnico", Vol. 1 , 2, Pubblicato a cura dell'Ente Nazionale Italiano di Unificazione, Milano.

Machine Design, Strenght od Materials, Material Science and Tecnology

- BELLUZZI, “Scienza delle Costruzioni”, Vol. I, II e III, Zanichelli, Bologna.

- CALIGIANA, CESARI, “I materiali compositi”, Pitagora Editrice, Bologna.

- DEUTSCHMAN, MICHELS, WILSON, "Machine Design - Theory and Practice", Macmillan Publischers, London.

- JUVINALL, MARSHEK, “Fondamenti della progettazione dei componenti delle macchine”, Edizioni ETS, Pisa.

- SHIGLEY, MISCHKE, “Mechanical Engineering Design”, McGraw-Hill International Editions, Singapore.

- SPOTTS, “Design of Machine Elements”, Prentice-Hall, Inc., Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey.

Product development and CAD

- Tutorial on line in web site [http://learningexchange.ptc.com/tutorials/by_sub_product/ptc-creo-parametric]


- McMahon, Browne,“CADCAM, from principles to practise”, Addison-Wesley Publ.

- Mortenson, “Modelli geometrici in computer graphics”, McGraw-Hill.

- UlRICH, Eppinger, “Progettazione e sviluppo di prodotto”, McGraw-Hill.

Teaching methods

Course configuration

- theorethical classroom lessons;
- physical disassemblage of mechanical assemblies (delivered by the Teacher) and hand sketching of the corresponding mechanical components. This task is performed by Students arranged in several working groups

- 3D modelling and 2D layout of assemblies and mechanical components. This task is performed individually by each Student under the supervision of the Teacher.

According to the extremely practical approach of this course to the matter dealed with, frequency to the course and laboratories is fundamental.

Assessment methods


Previous skills of the basic course "Mechanical Drawing" are necessary. This must be carefully considered by students incoming inside Erasmus exchanges.


Exam consists in a written test (compulsory for admission to the speech) and a speech (oral test).

Written test consists in redesigning a teacher's assigned assembly that contains incomplete parts to be interpreted and integrated with standard and non-standard components. During the test, it is permissible to consult texts, notes, tables and manuals. There are four hours available for the written test.

The number of drawings to be performed depends on the mechanical assembly assigned. Drawings can be performed with instruments or in free hand, as the Candidate would prefer; the Students must hold with him a couple of paper sheet, for each format A4 and A3, useful to perform the written test. Sheets can be prearranged with printed title block by utilizing CAD software emploied in laboratory during the year.

Teacher provides paper sheet for notes and rough sketches necessary during the re-design activity and the choice of standard or non standard components. Much more details the Student adds in this sheet, more faitful and sound will be the right evalutaion of the test by the Teacher.

Admission to oral test is conditioned upon being successful in written test; Student must reach 18/30, which is the mean score obtained in every question contained in the written test (the score of each question is measured on a base of thirty). The exact number of questions depends, obviously, on the peculiar test proposed.

Results of written test are provided before the next oral test, which is usually after about a week from the written test; timetable of the oral tests (exactly as that of the written tests) are at disposal of the Student on Almaesami [https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm]; in any case, positive results to the written test are considered valid until the winter session of the next solar year (that is, before the beginning of the next cycle of lessons), so Students, which succed in written test, can afford oral test in every session until the winter session of the next solar year (included);

If there is lack in frequency to the CAD laboratory, the Student is required to sustain a further test, by utilizing the solid modeler, in a date to be agreed with the Teacher who holds the CAD laboratory and, in any case, before the oral exam.

Oral test

During oral test, the Student performs the survey of a real component assigned by the Teacher and makes the corresponding technical drawing in accordance with the current rules;

The Teacher asks some questions about the items explained during the course, he evaluates drawings, notes and work done by the Student during the year and evaluates the survey made in the first step of oral test. The exact number of the questions depends on results of the written test, the value of the drawings performed in laboratory during the year, the value of the projects and notes included in the copybook.

Each Students must take with him at the oral test all the drawings (CAD drawings must be brought in a printed version) and their personal copybook (with notes, re-designs, projects, etc), testifying the work performed during the year.

Global score depends on answers to the oral tests, value of the drawings performed in laboratory during the year, value of the notes and projects containded in the copybook, value of the survey made in the first step, score obtained in the written test.


Student must book his exam in Almaesami [https://almaesami.unibo.it/almaesami/welcome.htm] web site.

Results of the written test can be found on the teaching on-line Platform, in the section reserved to the course of Disegno di Macchine T (https://iol.unibo.it/?lang=en).

As a concluding remarks, during written session, Student must hold with him all the tools to perform drawings and a couple of paper sheets of each A3 and A4 format; he can take all the books, notes, drawings, useful to perform the test. Obviously, no web or phone connections are allowed.

During oral session Student must hold with him all the tools to perform drawings, all the drawings (CAD drawings in a printed version) performed during the year, the copybook (with projects, notes, re-design activities, etc.) and a USB flash drive with all the source files of CAD drawings to be stored by the Teacher.

Teaching tools

Slides and other information can be found on the teaching on-line Platform, in the section reserved to the course of Disegno di Macchine T (https://iol.unibo.it/?lang=en).




Further informatic support can be obtained by connecting to web site:

- http://learningexchange.ptc.com/tutorials/by_sub_product/ptc-creo-parametric

Note. As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 on Health and Safety online.

Office hours

See the website of Daniela Francia