31416 - Laboratory Testing of Machines and Power Systems

Academic Year 2024/2025

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Energy Engineering (cod. 0924)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Energy Engineering (cod. 5978)

Learning outcomes

Provide the students with the ability to handle machines and measurements in order to assess their performance. Simulations analyses will be performed in order to provide insights on the design choices.

Course contents

What is a model ? how to handle the modeling of machineries and systems (observations, hypoteses, equations, discretization, solution, tuning, validation). Types of models: statics/dynamics; zero/mono/multi dimensional; white/gray/black box.

Implementation of a dynamic zero-dimensional white-box model of a volumetric reciprocating compressor.

Data fit and correlation to describe the operations of machineries and systems with balck-box approach. Metrics of evaluation of the fit (punctual and average deviation, coefficient of correlation, parity plot):

Data and results analysis, mean, standard deviation, range, median, iqr, distribution, boxchart. Detection and elimination of outliers.

Each topic is supported by practical exercies performed in python environment

Teaching methods

Classroom lectures (slides, blackboard) and exercises in python environement (on personal computer)

Assessment methods

The course attendance is mandatory

The final examination is the analysis of a model code provided by the professor. The code cannot run due to errors/lacks put in the code on purpose. The student must master the model code and fix the errors in order to run the simulation up to the expected results.

At the end of the model code fix, the student must discuss the corrections that has applied.

Office hours

See the website of Valerio Mariani