31174 - Hispano-American Literature 2

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student is satisfactorily familiar with general issues and specific aspects of the history of literature. They can understand and translate texts in the original language, have acquired the basic theoretical knowledge necessary to tackle the critical interpretation of their contents, and can comment on and present texts using methodologies specific to the analysis of literary texts.

Course contents

Ficción e storia nella cultura ispanoamericana del XX secolo (monografico)

Il corso monografico è dedicato all'approfondimento del rapporto tra storia e narrazione nella cultura ispanoamericana del XX secolo. La cultura ispanoamericana infatti, fin dalle sue origini, ha sentito la necessità di definirsi e comprendersi attraverso la sua -travagliata- storia.Ci si propone quindi di offrire un panorama di alcune modalità di questo tentativo di ‘comprensione storica' attraverso l'opera di autori del XX secolo. Ci si soffermerà in particolare su alcune forme di questo interesse per la storia quali la nueva novela histórica (Alejo Carpentier, Jorge Ibargüengoitia, Tomás Eloy Martínez), la non-fiction(Rodolfo Walsh), accennando infine alle forme con cui questo rapporto tra narrazione e storia si è manifestato nella cultura di massa riferendosi all'opera del fumettista argentino H.G. Oesterheld (El eternauta, El Che, Evita. Vida y obra de Eva Perón, Latinoamérica y el Imperialismo. 450 años de guerra).

La conoscenza della storia letteraria e culturale ispanoamericana sarà affidata allo studio individuale ed il programma varia per gli/le studenti/esse del II e del III anno (vedi sotto "Testi/bibliografia")



Volver a Contar: transfiguraciones e inquietudes en el cuento hispanoamericano contemporáneo.

In the second module of the course, the focus will be on the incómoda history of the Latin American continent. An incómoda history in a double sense: a history that incomoda, that disturbs, that is almost inappropriate; and incómoda in the sense that causes discomfort and difficulties. The theme of the course will be the museum space and the archival space, their dynamics, interactions with history, principles of functioning, and influence on the relationship with temporality.

For this reason, two literary works will be proposed: a short story by the Mixe linguist Yásnaya E. Aguilar Gil published in the collection Volver a Contar (Anagrama 2022), and a short novel by the author and activist Alexandra R. DeRuiz Crucé la frontera en tacones (Egales 2023).

The term “incomodar”, taken from an expression by the anthropologist Rita Laura Segato (Escenas de un pensamiento incómodo, Prometeo 2022), will serve as a guiding concept to explore the two literary works, but also to expand the discussion of Latin American history beyond the themes of conquest or migration, delving into more recent political issues. Therefore, the program will be enriched with texts and catalogs from exhibitions by Chilean visual artist Voluspa Jarpa, on the one hand, as well as, on the othes, by essays addressing the creation of trans memory and the archive of trans history in the Latin American continent.



Monografico (comune per II e III anno)


Carpentier Alejo, El arpa y la sombra, Madrid, Siglo XXI, 1998;

Eloy Martínez Tomás, Santa Evita, Barcelona, Seix Barral, 1995;

Ibargüengoitia Jorge, Los pasos de López, Ciudad de México, Joaquín Mortiz, 1998;

Oesterheld Héctor G. e Leopoldo Durañona, Latinoamérica y el Imperialismo. 450 años de guerra , Buenos Aires, Doeyo y Viniegra Editores, 2004;

Walsh Rodolfo, Operación Masacre, Buenos Aires, Ediciones de la Flor, 2000;

b. Fonti secondarie:

Kohut, Karl (ed.), La invención del pasado. La novela histórica en el marco de la posmodernidad, Madrid, Vervuert, 1997;

Menton, Seymour, La nueva novela histórica de la América Latina, 1979-1992 [solo introduzione]

Perkowska Magdalena, Historias Híbridas. La nueva novela histórica latinoamericana (1985-2000) ante las teorías posmodernas de la historia, Madrid, Iberoamericana-Vervuert, Colección Nexos y Diferencias, Nº 19, 2008

Miglio Camilla, "Metastoria", in Cometa, Dizionario degli Studi Culturali, Roma, Meltemi, 2004;

c. Strumenti di analisi:

Marchese Angelo, L'officina del racconto: semiotica della narratività, Milano, Mondadori, 1990;

Storia letteraria e culturale

II anno:

Williamson Edwin, Historia de América Latina, México, F.C.E, 2013 [terza parte, XX secolo: pp. 307-553]

Antonucci Fausta e Stefano Tedeschi, Letteratura ispanoamericana. Storia e testi dalla Scoperta al Modernismo, Roma, Aracne, 2008 [Il modernismo, pp. 323-420]

III anno:

Williamson Edwin, Historia de América Latina, México, F.C.E, 2013 [quarta parte, "Hacia una nueva era": pp. 555-612]


- a scelta: G.G. Márquez, Cien años de soledad (ed. Cátedra, Madrid) o C. Fuentes, La muerte de Artemio Cruz (ed. Cátedra, Madrid)

-J. L. Borges, Ficciones (qualunque ed. in lingua originale)

La bibliografia fornita sopra è da ritenersi provvisoria. Indicazioni bibliografiche definitive saranno fornite durante il corso e dopo la sua conclusione. Il programma finale come i dossier saranno disponibili presso le abituali copisterie; eventuali slidese testi usati in classe saranno disponibili anche sulla piattaforma Alma Campus (http://campus.unibo.it [http://campus.unibo.it/] ).



Testi in programma:

Yásnaya Elena Aguilar Gil, “Carta a una joven historiadora mixe”, in Volver a Contar, Anagrama 2022.

Alexandra R. DeRuiz, Crucé la frontera en tacones. Crónicas de una TRANSgresora, Editorial Egales, 2023.

Voluspa Jarpa, Dossier de investigación 2005-2019, Desclasificados, 2022

Voluspa Jarpa, Dossier de investigación 2010-2019, Biblioteca de la No-historia, 2022

Voluspa Jarpa, Dossier de investigación 2020-2021, Sindemia, 2022

Matías Máximo, El nunca más de las locas. Resistencia y deseo en la última dictadura, Marea editorial, 2023.

Rita Laura Segato, “El tiempo en la obra de Aníbal Quijano”, in Rita L. Segato, Escenas de un pensamiento incomodo: Género, Violencia y Cultura en una óptica Decolonial, Prometeo Editorial, 2022.

Letture consigliate:

Yolanda Arroyo Pizarro, Afroqueeridades, Egales, 2023.

Fernando Blanco, “Voluspa Jarpa: Histeria Privada / Historia Pública”, in Fernando Blanco, Desmemoria y Perversión: Privatizar lo público, mediatizar lo íntimo, administrar lo privado, Editorial Cuartopropio, 2010.

Daniela Hermosilla, “Voluspa Jarpa y el archivo performativo en dos actos”, in Anticipos colección nº 2, D21 Editores, 2021.

M. Lazzara, F. Blanco, W. Bongers, “La performance del archivo: re imaginar memoria e historia en América Latina”, in A Contracorriente. Una revista de historia social y literatura de América Latina, Vol. 12, No. 1, Fall 2014, 1-13.


Teaching methods

The course includes, in addition to frontal lessons, in-depth seminars on some themes related to the studied sources, as well as theoretical and methodological tools relevant to their study (further information on this will be provided during the lessons).

Assessment methods

The exam will be divided into two parts: (a) the writing of a critical essay (paper) of about 15 pages and (b) an oral exam.

(a) Regarding the paper, which must be submitted to the professor at least one week before the exam date, it requires the analysis of a theme or text covered during the course. Non-attending students are encouraged to contact the professor for useful guidance on this aspect. A well-developed, well-written essay with a certain interpretative insight will be rated excellent; the lack of one or more of these qualities will result in satisfactory or passing grades; an incoherent, underdeveloped paper, not related to the course themes, or blatantly copy-pasted, will not be admitted to the oral exam.

(b) The oral exam consists of a discussion on the course topics. As in the first year, the aim is to assess the student's critical and methodological abilities, demonstrating a comprehensive knowledge of the texts and proposed bibliography. The highest grades will be given to students who exhibit an organic understanding of the course themes, use critical thinking, and demonstrate expressive mastery and specific language use.

Predominantly mnemonic knowledge, synthesis skills, and shallow analysis, along with correct but not always appropriate language, will lead to passing grades. Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding, limited analytical and expressive skills, and occasionally inappropriate language will result in grades between passing and slightly above. Educational gaps, inappropriate language, and a lack of orientation within the content and bibliography proposed in the program will be negatively evaluated.

Teaching tools

The main means of presentation will be through the projection of images, texts, and slides. For better organization of materials and content, the online course platform will be utilized. The provided materials are an integral and necessary (but not sufficient) part of the exam program.

Office hours

See the website of Edoardo Balletta

See the website of Valeria Stabile