- Docente: Edoardo Balletta
- Credits: 9
- SSD: L-LIN/06
- Language: Italian
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
- Campus: Bologna
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Foreign Languages and Literature (cod. 0979)
from Sep 26, 2024 to Dec 20, 2024
Learning outcomes
At the end of the course the student knows the general lines of the history of literature, is able to read, understand and translate texts in the language and is started with the use of basic analytical methods and tools, to interpret the works of the main authors, contextualising them in the culture and in the historical period of reference.
Course contents
Entre lo propio y lo ajeno: an introduction to Hispanic-American literature
The course, divided into two modules, is proposed as an introduction to Hispanic-American literary and cultural history, starting from the trauma of the Conquest and arriving at the great twentieth-century narrative; following the cultural changes in the history of the sub-continent, at the same time an attempt will be made to reflect on some central questions for the understanding of the American world (Conquest; mestizaje; national identity vs. continental identity etc.)
FIRST MODULE: History and Culture of Latin America: from the Conquest to Independence.
1. General introduction: Pre-Hispanic America and the wound of the Conquest; origins of the Hispanic-American world. Colonial literature: The chronicles of the Conquest and the legacy of pre-Hispanic cultures The Baroque: Baroque in Europe. the American Baroque as a hybrid phenomenon. The Enlightenment: Europe tells America. The Independence of the American nations and the Founding Novel: the situation of Spain at the end of the 18th century; the constitution of Cadiz; Independence and the birth of the Hispano-American nations; the construction of national identities through the founding novel The Hispano-American essay in the 19th century: reflection on the Hispano-American identity [reference text José Miguel Oviedo, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana see BIBLIOGRAPHY]
2. Dossier of Readings (further indications will be provided during the course).
SECOND MODULE: The Hispano-American short story: Borges, Ocampo, Cortázar
This second module will examine the great Hispanic-American cuentística tradition by tackling the reading of selected texts by Jorge Luis Borges, Silvina Ocampo and Julio Cortázar
The proposed readings (from both the first and second modules) are intended as exemplifications of the themes, authors, and currents dealt with during the lectures; students* will have to demonstrate that they have carried out a careful reading of these texts (and of the critical tools made available as a support to comprehension). By careful reading is meant, not only the ability to "summarise" the content of the texts, but also and above all the ability to describe their themes, highlight stylistic issues and place the texts in their appropriate historical and cultural context.
NB: The programme is VOLUNTARILY detailed in order to clarify each element on which the course will be based and consequently the preparation required of the students. Please read and re-read it carefully. The lecturer is in any case available during RECEPTION HOURS.
a. Storia Letteraria e culturale:
Oviedo, José Miguel, Historia de la literatura hispanoamericana, Madrid, Alianza, 1995-2001, Voll. 1 e 2 i seguenti capitoli:
VOL 1: "Introducción"; "El concepto de literatura indígena: problemas y límites"; "La literatura maya y sus códices"; "El problema moral de la conquista y la imposición de la
letra escrita"; "Los cronistas de la primera parte del siglo XVI"; "Bartolomé de Las Casas y la cuestión indígena";"El surgimiento de la épica"; "El esplendor barroco: Sor Juana y otros culteranos"; "Dos concepciones del mundo"; "El periodismo, las sociedades ilustradas y el pensamiento liberador".
VOL 2: "El romanticismo y la gauchesca"; "Albores del Modernismo"; "La América de Rodó".
Fonti Primarie
Borges Jorge Luis, Obras completas : 1923-1972, Buenos Aires, Emece, [1974, selezione di testi]
Cortázar Julio, Cuentos completos, Alfaguara, Madrid, 2007 [selezione di racconti disponibile sulla piattaforma virtuale]
Ocampo Silvina, Autobiografia de Irene [qualunque edizione in lingua originale]
Fonti Secondarie:
Ghezzani Alessandra, Leggere Borges, Aracne, 2023.
Campra Rosalba, Letture Complici, Salerno, Arcoiris Edizioni, 2014.
Studenti non frequentanti:
- per quanto riguarda il primo modulo, si consiglia in più rispetto al programma per frequentanti, il seguente testo:
Campra, Rosalba. America Latina: L’Identità E La Maschera. Meltemi, 2006.
Teaching methods
The course includes, in addition to lectures, the seminar investigation of certain issues relating to the sources studied, as well as the instruments, theoretical and methodological, relevant to their study (more information in this regard will be provided during class).
Assessment methods
The final exam consists of an oral test that aims to assess the critical and methodological skills gained by the student, who will be invited to discuss the texts in the program. The student must demonstrate 1) the ability to orientate themselves in the Spanish-American cultural and literary history 2) an appropriate knowledge of the contents and the bibliography indicated in the program, 3) make links between the course topics, 4) illustrate the salient features of the works taken under consideration and treated during the lessons.
The student's achievement of an organic vision of the topics dealt with in a joint lesson with their critical use, the demonstration of an expressive mastery and specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence.
The mostly mnemonic knowledge of the subject, in-depth synthesis and analysis skills and a correct but not always appropriate language will lead to discrete evaluations.
Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding, poor analytical skills and not always appropriate expression will lead to evaluations between sufficiency and little more.
Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the contents and bibliographic materials proposed in the program can only be evaluated negatively.
Teaching tools
Images, texts and slides. For a better organization of materials and contents the online platform of the course will be used: materials made available are INTEGRANT and NECESSARY (but not sufficient) of the exam program.
Office hours
See the website of Edoardo Balletta