30326 - Hispano-American Literature 2 (2nd cycle)

Academic Year 2024/2025

Learning outcomes

Students possess in-depth knowledge of the history and development of Latin American literatures in Spanish, with particular attention to the relationship between literary texts and the historical, artistic and linguistic context. Students are also able to apply practical methodologies to the analysis and interpretation of a literary text.

Course contents

Horror, science fiction, weird in contemporary Spanish-American literature

The course proposes a reading of the most recent Hispanic-American literature, which seems to be characterised by a renewed interest in non-mimetic narrative forms (horror, science fiction, weird) where, starting from the twentieth-century tradition of the fantastic, poetics and aesthetics traditionally considered in the sphere of genre literature are appealed to in order to narrate, in an alienated form, the present. This year, in particular, we will focus on the forms of representation of catastrophe.


Barrientos, Maximiliano. 2022. Miles de Ojos. Buenos Aires: Caja Negra.

Chernov, Carlos. 2017. El sistema de las estrellas. Buenos Aires: Interzona.

Cohen, Marcelo. 2012. Gongue. 1a ed., 1a imp. edizione. Buenos Aires: Interzona Editora.

Cruz Balian, Juan. 2020. Ministerio de invierno. Buenos Aires: El gato y la caja.

Fernández, Nona. (2013) 2018. Space Invaders. Bogotá: Eterna Cadencia/Laguna Libros.

Frangi, Katherina. 2022. Memoria de las especies. La Plata: Club Hem.

Monge, Emiliano. 2020. Tejer la oscuridad. Penguin Random House Grupo Editorial México.

Paz Soldán, Edmundo. 2021. Allá Afuera Hay Monstruos. Santiago de Chile: Los libros de la mujer rota.

Pinedo, Rafael. 2011. Frío. Madrid: Salto de página.

Simeran, Juan. 2023. 8 Grados centígrados. Moreno: Ayarmanot.

La bibliografia è da ritenersi provvisoria. Ulteriori indicazioni saranno fornite all’inizio del corso

Teaching methods

The course includes, in addition to the lectures, the seminar in-depth study of some topics relating to the sources studied, as well as the theoretical and methodological tools relevant to their study.

Assessment methods

The exam will be divided into two parts: (a) preparation of a critical essay (essay) of ca. 15 records and (b) oral interview.
(a) Regarding the term paper (which must be delivered to the teacher at least one week before the date on which they intend to take the exam) it will be an analysis of a topic or a text addressed during the course. (Non-attending students are strongly encouraged to contact the teacher for useful information on this aspect).

An essay coherently developed, well written, not without a certain interpretive perspicacity will lead to an evaluation of excellence; the lack of one or more qualities mentioned, will lead to evaluations that will result in discrete or sufficient evaluations; an incoherent essay, insufficiently developed, scarcely or at all relevant to the subjects touched in the course, or manifestly the result of copying and pasting, will not allow to be admitted to the oral exam.

(b) The oral examination will consist of an interview which will cover the topics of the course. As for the first year, the interview will have the purpose of evaluating the critical and methodological skills acquired by the student who will have to demonstrate an appropriate knowledge of the contents of the texts examined and of the proposed bibliography. The student's achievement of an organic vision of the topics dealt with in a joint lesson with their critical use, the demonstration of an expressive mastery and specific language will be evaluated with marks of excellence.
The mostly mnemonic knowledge of the subject, in-depth synthesis and analysis skills and a correct but not always appropriate language will lead to discrete evaluations.
Approximate knowledge, superficial understanding, poor analytical skills and not always appropriate expression will lead to evaluations between sufficiency and little more.
Training gaps, inappropriate language, lack of orientation within the contents and bibliographic materials proposed in the program can only be evaluated negatively.

Teaching tools

Mainly, the video projection of images, texts and slides will be used. For a better organization of the materials and contents, the online platform of the course will be used, the materials made available are an INTEGRAL and NECESSARY (but not sufficient) part of the exam program.

Office hours

See the website of Edoardo Balletta