B3992 - Laboratory of Computational Statistics

Academic Year 2023/2024

Course contents

Module 1:

  • Introduction to Python: development environments for Python; Python language structure; basic data types: int, float, string; lists and tuples; mutable and immutable objects; if-then-else, for loops and function definitions.
  • Scientific and Statistical Computing with Numpy and Scipy: extended floating point algebra; array creation and manipulation; arrays as objects and their properties; matrix products; code vectorialization; object distributions in Scipy, their properties and methods ; implementing a Monte Carlo simulation.
  • matplotlib visualization.

Module 2:

  • Introduction to Tableau: Tableau's tools (Desktop, Server, Public e Prep); tableau desktop interface overview; data import and connection from different data sources; dimensions and metrics; introduction to the data model (relations).
  • Creation of simple visualizations: dispersion and bar plots; adding colors, shapes and labels; geographic maps, an introduction.
  • Computed fields and other tools: personalized computations and computed fields (LOD?); hierarchies; sets; using filters and actions to add interactivity.
  • Dashboard creation: fundamental concepts on data visualization and visual analysis; design and implementation of dashboards for presentations with multiple visualizations; adding global filters and interactivity between visualizations; optimization of visual aspect and dashboard arrangement.
  • Dasboard Optimization and analysis distributon: exporting visualizations and dashboards to different formats; interactive dashboard publication on Tableau Server or Tableau Online.


* Transcript of the live tutorial

* Online:

  • Introduction to Python: https://docs.python.org/3/tutorial/index.html
  • Numpy Quickstart Guide: https://numpy.org/devdocs/user/quickstart.html

Teaching methods

Interactive laboratory tutorial lessons.

From 19/9 to 17/10 lessos are face-to-face at Rimini Campus (GREEN LAB and RED LAB) with online streaming on Teams platform.

Assessment methods

OnlineTest on EOL (esami online) Unibo's platform

Teaching tools

* Laboratorio informatico

* Colab di Google

* Ambiente di sviluppo Spyder

Office hours

See the website of Paolo Foschi

See the website of Giulia Martielli