27280 - Seminars (1) (G.A)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Philosophy (cod. 9216)

Learning outcomes

The philosophy Seminars propose general objectives, which are those specific teaching seminar: (1) to train the students to philosophical discussion urging participation in conferences and presentations of Italian and foreign scholars; (2) deepen the topics of the courses through participation in philosophical lectures by specialists also of other universities; (3) broaden their thematic and methodological horizons to complete offered teaching.

Course contents

Enchantments of the Reason. Ecosophical critique of Savage Thought.


Main aim: resuming the composition of ecological profiles for Modern rationality. Secondary goals: bringing together aspects of teaching and aspects of research; providing further reading advice regarding the contemporary ecological movement; creating an interface between students and researchers.


European Modernity has often been defined as a process of "disenchantment of the world" (M. Weber), the effect of a potentially progressive rationalization both of (human and non human) nature and the existential possibilities of the Transcendental Subject. This process is not based on the belief in a fully acquired rationalization, but on the conviction that, "if only one wanted to," it would be possible to achieve this goal. As a general principle, the disenchantment is not based on mysterious forces, but on dynamics one can become aware of through intellectualization.

Alongside, the disenchantment of the world attested to the "powerlessness of nature" (G.W.F. Hegel). Disenchantment and domination defined the two main axes of Western Progress. Nowadays, the idea of "Promethean dominion" of Nature is challenged by the proliferation of devastating natural events of the Climate Change. Floods, desertification, migration and mass extinctions seriously question the total domination of Nature by Western humans, their technology and their "history." In response to the environmental and social catastrophes that human actions may entail, contemporary thought has developed several paths. From the Re-enchantment of the World (S. Federici, S. Latouche, B. Stiegler) to the Breaking the Spell of Modern Sorcery (I. Stengers and P. Pignarre), the "disenchantment" theme resurfaces in the many facets of ecological thought.

In our path we will search for a third way, rejecting both the idea of an idealized past - recovering faith in some unknowable forces of Nature - and the revival of Progress thought as the indefinite attempt to boost humanity's immune system facing natural changes. The "dialectic" of disenchantment, which makes this concept "wild" and not easily "tamed", is helpful: it forces modern reason to come to terms with its own Eurocentrism. We will try to answer some current philosophical questions: what is the relationship between Modern European Reason (i.e. Cartesian-Kantian) and other "non-Western" rational practices? What enchantments, at the time of the climate crisis, lie within Western reason? Can one say that the idea of Promethean dominion is an enchantment of Reason? What class, race, and gender relationships define the disenchantment of the world? What kind of Reason can find its way out of the "Sorcery" of Modern Disenchantment?

The ecosophy seminar will outline a path in order to better understand the Enchantment of a world perpetually exposed to environmental catastrophe, which appears to be increasingly closing down possible alternatives.


The overall aim is the institution of protocols for minoritarian thought, halfways between ecological sensibility and economic rationality, useful for conceptualising new states of equilibrium between acting-the-mind and speaking-the-life. This year as usual, after introducing some preliminary notions, the main focus will be on applied experimentation of methods in philosophical ecology: next to more didactic interventions held by professors and expert researchers both from this and other universities, there will be also be lectures held by younger researchers dealing with the topics at hand. Consequently, third-year students will get acquainted with philosophical arguments carried out by researchers, hopefully preparing the continuation towards and M. Sc. and foreshadowing a possible future in the field, learning from first-hand experience how research plays out, from its initial stagee to the obtainment of more expert contents.





Handouts will be provided during the course on the platform “Virtuale"


Recommended reading:


P. Amoroso (a cura di), Ecologia, Castelvecchi, 2023.

G. De Fazio, P.F. Lévano, I. Sorrentino, Prontuario di Ecosofia, Ventura, 2019.

M. Weber, La scienza come professione, Einaudi, 2004.


References on Ecosophy:


P. Amoroso, Pensiero terrestre e spazio di gioco. L’orizzonte ecologico dell’esperienza a partire da Merleau-Ponty, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2019;


G. De Fazio, Ecologia del possibile. Razionalità, esistenza, amicizia, ombre corte, Verona, 2021;


F. Guattari, Le tre ecologie, Sonda, Milano, 2019;


P.F. Lévano, Decolonizzare la lettura. Indecidibilità nella prosa rioplatense (1960-1969), «Philosophy Kitchen», 14, 2021, pp. 197-209;


M. Iofrida, Per un paradigma del corpo: una rifondazione filosofica dell’ecologia, Quodlibet, Macerata, 2019;


F. Marsciani, Tracciati di Etnosemiotica, FrancoAngeli, Milano, 2016;.


P. Missiroli, Teoria critica dell’Antropocene. Vivere dopo la Terra, vivere nella Terra, Mimesis, Milano-Udine, 2023;


A. Naess, Ecosofia. Ecologia, società e stili di vita, Red, Milano, 1994;


A. Naess, Introduzione all'ecologia, ETS, Pisa, 2016.

Teaching methods

Following the format of past editions, two-hour lectures will consist thus: one hour of exposition and one hour of debate with an active participation by the students, who will be able to raise questions and actively participate. Bibliographical informations will be given before the starting of the course by blog ubiminorblog.wordpress.com, where it will be possible for students to consult abstracts with specific bibliographical hints, in order to be able to read without delays texts which could be of interest for them; moreover, they will receive by mailing list all the didactic materials useful for their study. The web site will also be constantly updated with reports of past cycles and all informations best performing their activities.

Assessment methods


To obtain eligibilty it will be necessary to attend al least 11 lessons out of the total of 15.

From this compulsory attendance will be excepted only

  • Students who are currently abroad on Erasmus program
  • Working students, who must document, by a declaration of their employer, that their working time makes attendance impossible for them

Only for these two categories of students, eligibility will be obtained by taking a short oral exam on one of the following texts:

- A. Naess, Introduzione all'ecologia, Pisa, ETS, 2015, pp. 85-96 e 123-172


- F. Guattari, Le tre ecologie, Milano, Sonda, 2019.

Students with disabilities and Specific Learning Disorders (SLD)Students with disabilities or Specific Learning Disorders have the right to special accommodations according to their condition, following an assessment by the Service for Students with Disabilities and SLD. Please do not contact the teacher but get in touch with the Service directly to schedule an appointment. It will be the responsibility of the Service to determine the appropriate adaptations. For more information, visit the page:


Teaching tools

See Teaching Methods

Office hours

See the website of Manlio Iofrida