96815 - International Economics (A-L)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in International relations and diplomatic affairs (cod. 8048)

Learning outcomes

The study and knowledge of micro and macro international economics are intended to enable students to understand the processes of international integration from the historical point of view and in the scope of global economic events. In particular, the aim is to provide students with the ability to read both in a positive and critical sense of international economic relations. On a professional level this means, in cases of high school profile, that students can acquire an autonomous capacity not only of interpretation, but also of processing analysis of economic data and international events related to integration phenomena.

Course contents

Institutional Section

Introduction to the subject

Labor productivity and comparative advantages: the Ricardo model

Specific factors and income distribution

The Heckscher-Ohlin model

The general model of international trade

The tools of commercial policy

Political economy and commercial policy

Trade policy in developing countries

Disputes on commercial policy

Introduction to monetary economics

Seminar Section

Case studies


The basic text will be Krugman P. R., Obstfeld M., Melitz M. J. (2023) International Economics, Volume 1 Pearson. (Students can also use previous editions, the contents are comparative the same).

We will deal with topics contained in Volume 2 of the same text for some lessons in monetary economics. The purchase of volume 2 is not compulsory - especially for students attending classes.

The supplementary bibliographic material can be provided by the teachers.

Teaching methods

Lessons with the support of pptx and blackboard.

The institutional part of the course will be divided into lessons aimed at introducing students to the discipline, its major themes and its conceptual categories to learn economic reasoning.

In the seminar part of the course, the lessons will be interactive and may also include seminars. In this case, students will be required to prepare before the lesson with the readings indicated by the teacher on the topics that will be addressed.

Assessment methods


  • Partial test in class of 75' in November, with 12 questions that require a brief explanation of the answer (i.e. very similar to a true/false question, but in which the reason for the answer must always be explained) on the topics covered in the first half of the course => 50% evaluation
  • Group work in two parts =>50% rating:

a) Short paper on a topic to be agreed with the teacher

b) Individual presentation in class paper topics (last week of the course)

N.B. The attending student who does not pass the partial exam will have to take the exam according to the procedure described below "Non-attending students"


The exam for non-attending students is equal to the total exam for attending students who have not passed the partial exam.

It will consist of 15 open-ended questions (i.e. very similar to a true/false question, but in which the reason for the answer must always be explained). Duration 90 minutes.

Topics: as per Syllabus (Krugman chapters + slides posted on Virtuale) + the papers posted on Virtuale (to be studied in detail, not only the results but also the methodologies etc.).

Teaching tools

Lessons in classrom with slides.

UNIBO application "Virtuale" for the dissemination of notices and contents.

Office hours

See the website of Marco Fabbri


No poverty Decent work and economic growth Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.