21348 - Nursing in the Surgery Area (FO)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Nursing (cod. 5908)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student possesses knowledge related to taking care of the person/family in the context of priority health problems in the surgical area. He/she identifies, plans and evaluates nursing care interventions and collaborates with other professionals in diagnostic-therapeutic-care pathways.

Course contents

Introduction related to the surgical patient pathway Surgical classifications ( elective, emergency, urgent and freestanding).

Illustration of the types of hospitalization and different modalities of performing surgeries.

Preoperative nursing care:

- assessment, evaluation, education, preparation

- documentation management

Intraoperative nursing care:

- roles, functions and responsibilities of nurses present within the surgical team

- behavioral norms and safety

- documentation management

- management of the anesthesia component

Postoperative nursing care:

- the role of the nurse in the immediate postoperative period

- management of drains, wounds, and dressings

- evaluation and management upon return to the ward

Perioperative management by types of surgeries: abdominal surgery, thoracic surgery, breast surgery, vascular surgery, urologic surgery, laryngeal/otoror surgery, orthopedic surgery.


Formulation of care paini according to the Gordon - Carpenito bifocal model.


Brunner Suddarth - Medical surgical nursing, Ambrosian House Ed., 2021.

Carpenito L.J. - Nursing care plans, Ambrosian Publishing House, 2000.

Luisarsi R. - Operating Room Instrumentation, Ed. Idelson Gnocchi, 2021.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons 

In-depth discussions with personnel from specific fields

Case analyses

Assessment methods

oral exam 

Teaching tools

slide and video 

Office hours

See the website of Sophie Ghetti