Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Languages and Technologies for Intercultural Communication (cod. 5979)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the module, the student is familiar with the documentation tools and basic translation methodologies and techniques; is able to apply them in the pre-translative analysis of the source text and in the drafting of the target text, depending on the communicative functions of the texts to be translated and the translation assignment indicated; is able to apply these dynamics in the translation of a variety of non-specialized texts from Spanish to Italian, in accordance with a basic level of translation competence

Course contents

By considering the concept of translation as a place of encounter and comparison between two different languages and cultures (in this case Spanish and Italian), the course aims to develop students’ translation competence according to the Pacte model, 2001) through the use of basic tools and by learning fundamental translation methods from Spanish to Italian.

· The Nord pre-translative model (2012) is applied during the course in order to gain a deep understanding of the basic text through the analysis of the extra textual and intra textual factors.

· A dossier containing texts to be translated and relevant files on the subject will be at the disposal of the student from the beginning of the course.

· The 40 contact hours (5 ECTS) will be held in the second semester and alongside the course in translation from Italian to Spanish  is part of the course in Translation from Italian to Spanish I.


[CLAVE] Diccionario de uso del español actual(2007). Milano: Hoepli / [DRAE] Real Academia Española (https://dle.rae.es/contenido/actualización-2022). Diccionario de la Lengua española. Madrid: Espasa./ [DUE] Moliner, M. (1998) Diccionario de uso del español. Madrid: Gredos / Real Academia Española (2005). Diccionario panhispánico de dudas. Madrid: Santillana / Seco, M., O. Andrés & G. Ramos. (1999).Diccionario del español actual. Madrid: Aguilar. / R. Arqués, A. Padoan (2022). Il Grande dizionario di Spagnolo spagnolo-italiano italiano-spagnolo. Bologna: Zanichelli / Garzanti I grandi Dizionari Spagnolo (2009)./ M. Trifone (2013). Il Devoto-Oli dei sinonimi e contrari. Con analoghi, generico, inversi e gradazioni semantiche. Firenze: Le Monnier; P. Tiberi (2012). Dizionario delle collocazioni. Bologna: Zanichelli/Vocabolario Treccani (https://www.treccani.it/vocabolario/)

San Vicente, F. e Bazzocchi, G. (2021). LETI. Lengua española para traducir e interpretar. Bologna: Clueb; Basso, S. (2010). Sul tradurre. Milano: Mondadori / Carmignani I. (2008). Gli autori invisibili. Nardó: Besa Editrice / Eco U. (2003). Dire quasi la stessa cosa. Milano: Bompiani / Fruttero & Lucentini ( 2003). I ferri del mestiere. Torino: Einaudi / Manfrinato, C. (ed.). Il mestiere di riflettere (2008). Roma: Azimut / Moya, V. (2004). La selva de la traducción. Madrid: Cátedra / Nasi, F. (2008). La malinconia del traduttore. Milano: Medusa/ Nasi, F. (2010). Specchi comunicanti. Milano: Medusa/ Newmark, P. (1995). Manual de traducción.Madrid: Cátedra. /Nord, C. (2012). Texto base - Texto meta: un modelo funcional de análisis pretraslativo. Castelló de la Plana: Publicacions de la Universitat Jaume I / A. Prete (2011). All'ombra dell'altra lingua. Torino: Bollati Boringhieri /

Teaching methods

The lessons, of which 70% must be attended, will be in a laboratory style. Therefore, all students must actively participate in class exercises, and participation will be taken into consideration for the final grade. Exercises will be carried out both individually and in groups. Practical translation work will be carried out in the following phases: a) presentation of the original text and guided analysis of extra and intra textual factors (the Nord pre-translative model, 2012) b) introduction to the topic (video, power point, parallel texts); c) translation of the text (to be uploaded to Virtuale by the determined deadline; d) description of the translation competences implicated in the translation process; e) self correction of every translation, as well as a detailed evaluation of the work done; f) in-class and collective revision, as well as commentary on problems and difficulties faced during the correction; g) discussion and collective reflection in order to systemize conclusions drawn.

Assessment methods

In order to check the understanding of the proposed translation methods and the correct use of translation tools, the Professor will gradually monitor every student by correcting every student’s translation individually. For the exam, students must hand in a dossier with all the corrected translations done during the course with the relevant commentaries, as well as a personal reflection on one’s progress throughout the course. Then, students will have to translate a text of about 300 words from Spanish to Italian within the timeframe of three hours. The use of bilingual and monolingual dictionaries, thesauruses and internet will be allowed.


30-30L: Excellent level. The candidate possesses excellent translation skills, with a very high level of competence in the target language.

27-29: Above average level. The candidate makes only minor errors, and shows a solid command of the required skills and competences.

24–26: Generally sound level. The candidate displays a number of shortcomings, indicating a reasonable command of the required skills and competences.

21-23: Adequate level. The candidate displays significant shortcomings and only an adequate command of the required skills and competences.

18–20: Minim level. The candidate only meets the minimum level required and shows a minimal command of the required skills and competences.

< 18 Fail: The candidate does not meet the required standard and shows a wholly inadequate command of the required skills and competences.

The average between this grade and the final grade of the combined course Translation from Italian to Spanish will make up the end grade for Transaltion from Spanish to Italian I.


Teaching tools

  • Computer, video-projector, Internet connection
  • Dictionaries
  • E-learning platform https://virtuale.unibo.it/

Office hours

See the website of Gloria Bazzocchi