B2377 - Electric Energy Conversion

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Mechanical Engineering for Sustainability (cod. 5980)

Learning outcomes

The course delivers the principles of electromechanical energy conversion and suitable skills for the analysis of the main electrical machines for residential and industrial applications, along with the principles of power electronics devices and basic architectures.

Course contents

Power Electronics


  • Basics of semiconductor physics.
  • Semiconductor devices: diodes, SCR, IGBT.
  • single-phase and three-phase rectifier.
  • Buck Converter.
  • Half Bridge.
  • Full Bridge.
  • Single-phase and three.phase inverters.
  • Pulse Width Modulation (PWM).


Electromechanical energy conversion


  • Principles of electromechanical energy conversion

DC machine.

  • Mathematical model.

  • Steady state characteristics with armature and field control.

  • Control of DC motors in the constant torque control region and in the field-weakening region.

  • Transition from driving to breaking operation.

  • Single-, double-, and four-quadrant operation.

  • Constant torque and constant horsepower operation.

Synchronous machine.

  • Magnetic circuit analysis of synchronous machines.
  • Synchronous reactances (d-, q-axis).
  • Torque and machine equations.
  • Steady-state characteristics.
  • Open-loop control of voltage source inverter drives.
  • Applications.

Induction machine.

  • Analysis of induction motors based on steady-state machine model.
  • Torque and machine equations.
  • Steady-state characteristics.
  • Starting of induction motors.
  • Constant terminal volts/hertz operation.Low-frequency performance with increased volts/hertz.
  • Torque characteristics. 
  •  Current controlled PWM inverter drive with slip frequency control.
  • Constant-horsepower operation.


The pdf files of the slides utilized during the lessons can be downloaded from "Insegnamenti On line".

1. A. E. Fitzgerald, C. Kingsley, S,D. Umans: Electric Machinery. McGraw-Hill

2. M. Rashid, "Power Electronics Handbook", Butterworth-Heinemann

3. N. Mohan, T. Undeland, W. Robbins, "Power Electronics: Converters, Applications and Design", John Wiley & Sons Inc

Teaching methods

The lessons are supported by numerical simulations of main electric machines and of main power electronics conveters.

Assessment methods

The learning assessment is based on written tests and an optional oral test.

Teaching tools

Lessons and exercises are carried out with the help of a personal computer and slides (Power Point, MATLAB).

Office hours

See the website of Michele Mengoni


Affordable and clean energy Industry, innovation and infrastructure Sustainable cities Responsible consumption and production

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.