B2987 - Laboratory

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Moduli: Ruben Lazzerini (Modulo 1)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1)
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Applied Cognitive Psychology (cod. 5965)

Learning outcomes

Carrying out of practical and exercise activities carried out in the active Laboratories under the responsibility of the teachers involved in the Master's Degree. At the end of these activities the student is able to evaluate the psychological profile of an individual with particular reference to cognitive and emotional functioning and to identify tools and types of interventions that can be developed in several areas: scholastic, legal, communication, the living environment and individual adaptation. The laboratory activities will also be aimed at preparing the degree thesis: making use of electronic resources and autonomously completing the bibliographic documentation necessary for the elaboration of one's thesis work; set up a research design, selecting the tools suitable for the research for the presentation of data related to the thesis; apply the main techniques of research and data analysis in the field of applied cognitive psychology.

Course contents

Laboratory "Planning of interventions in the Psychological field and elements of professional ethics"; is a laboratory course pertaining to the chair of Applied Cognitive Psychology. The aim of the course is to acquire the theoretical/practical skills necessary for the elaboration of an intervention project in the Psychological field aimed at individuals and groups. The lessons will be divided into four days of four hours each, and will include a first part of theoretical training on the contents of a Project, the constituent elements, the phases and times in which an intervention takes place, the objectives, the recipients and the aspects relating to the deontological implications of the profession of Psychologist. A generic Project outline will be presented together with practical examples of specific cases of projects in the clinical and social fields. The deontological aspects will be presented through a critical reflection of the Code of Conduct of Italian Psychologists, this too discussed with practical examples of its application in the professional field, necessary to carry out the profession of Psychologist according to the ethical principles of correctness and professional competence, also in relation to the new legislation on the qualifying degree which allows the acquisition of professional skills during the university course. The theoretical aspects will be presented in the first two days of the course while the other two days of the course will be based on participatory learning, in which the student is the first-person author of the acquisition of skills, carrying out the task of developing an intervention project himself. The experiential work will make use of the method known as cooperative learning, a precise teaching method by which the students can assimilate the notions in a more interactive way and working together in not too numerous groups. Students in a small group of 4/5 people will decide to develop a Project by choosing the specific area of intervention and after completing it, they will present their work in the plenary to the whole class and will receive feedback from the teacher on the critical issues encountered and reflections that will enrich the contents of the work carried out. The common sharing of Projects will be an additional source of learning as an exchange with other Projects carried out by all the other students. The assessment of learning will take place at the end of the course, during the last meeting, through an individual test carried out in class on some multiple-choice Items concerning the most important contents of the Laboratory.


Il nuovo codice deontologico degli psicologi, di Gullota e Calvi, Giuffrè Editore.

Teaching methods

The Laboratory includes two days of frontal lessons on the theoretical and practical contents of a project and two days of cooperative learning, working in small groups, where once the students have chosen the work topic, they will have to elaborate the text of an intervention project, followed by interaction with the teacher who will give feedback to the students' requests for clarification. A presentation of the works and a plenary reflection on the contents of the same will follow. At the end, a learning evaluation questionnaire will be presented to the students.

Assessment methods

The verification of learning will be carried out by administering an evaluation text using multiple choice questions.

Teaching tools

The slides of the theoretical program will be made available.

Office hours

See the website of Ruben Lazzerini