07261 - Community Psychology

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Cesena
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in School and Community Psychology (cod. 5961)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student: - knows the key concepts and the main theoretical and operational models of community psychology; - knows and uses tools for analysing emerging needs in communities and in everyday life contexts; - knows the existing services to the person at local level, including recovery and treatment facilities; - knows action-research methods; - is able to use specific working tools for community-based primary and secondary prevention, and empowerment projects.

Course contents

The course takes place in the first semester (from 25 September to 7 December 2023) and is aimed at students in the first year of the Master's degree. Lectures are held at the Department of Psychology, Piazza Aldo Moro, 90, Cesena (FC).

The course aims to illustrate the main theoretical and methodological orientations of Community Psychology (CoP), starting from an analysis of its origins and development. The discipline is proposed as a perspective, a way of knowing reality, based on the consideration that people and their needs can only be understood within the social contexts of which they are part and with which they interact. The community approach values the strengths, resources and skills of the community and its members as elements  of analysis and intervention. The ecological perspective, the promotion of participation and the orientation towards social justice represent the more general frame of reference for interventions to promote wellbeing and health and to combat discrimination and inequalities.

In order to be able to participate in the course, it is necessary to have previously acquired basic knowledge in social psychology and group psychology, ascertained by passing the LM admission test.

The programme will cover the following contents:

Community psychology in the national, European and international scenario: the origins and development of the discipline;

Objectives and theoretical perspectives: the systemic-ecological approach, critical community psychology

The key concepts of the discipline: sense of community, empowerment, well-being, equity and social justice, participation, prevention and promotion

Intervention perspectives: networking, empowerment, promotion of community resources, participatory action research

Operational methodologies of community psychology: facilitation tools and group activation (large and small), focus groups, Photovoice, community profiles


Written Exam:

1. Zani B. (a cura di) (2012) Psicologia di comunità. Prospettive, idee, metodi. Carocci, Roma (eccetto capp. 3 e 4)

2. Mastrilli, P., Nicosia, R., & Santinello, M. (2013). Photovoice: dallo scatto fotografico all'azione sociale. F. Angeli.

Oral exam:

A text of one's choice from the following (or another agreed upon in advance with the lecturer):

Bertoletti S., Meringolo P., Stagnitta M., Zuffa G. (2011) Terre di confine. Soggetti, modelli, esperienze dei servizi a bassa soglia. Unicopli.

Brambilla, A., Maciocco, G. (2022). Dalle Case della Salute alle Case della Comunità. Carocci.

Francescato, D., Putton, A. (2022). Star bene insieme a scuola. Strategie per il benessere relazionale e il welfare di comunità. Carocci.

Lasalvia A. (2022) Lo stigma dei disturbi mentali: guida agli interventi basati sulle evidenze. Fioriti.

Lavanco G. & Santinello M. (2009). I senza fissa dimora. Analisi psicologica del fenomeno e ipotesi di intervento. Ed.Paoline..

Laverack, G., De Piccoli, N., & Tortone, C. (2018). Salute pubblica: potere, empowerment e pratica professionale. Il pensiero scientifico.

Mannarini T. (2016) Il senso di comunita'.Come e perché i legami contano. McGraw Hill.

Ripamonti E. (2018) Collaborare: metodi partecipativi per il sociale. Carocci. Roma.

Roccato M. e Mannarini T. (2012). Non nel mio giardino. Prendere sul serio i movimenti Nimby. Il Mulino.

Speltini G. (a cura di ) (2016). L'eta' giovanile. Disagio e risorse psicosociali, Il Mulino.


Teaching methods

Lectures, small group work, hands-on practice, seminars with professionals and experts,

Assessment methods

1. Written essay on the recommended texts: 4 open ended questions (in 1 hours time), aimed to assess the acquired basic knowledge in the topics of the course and the critical thinking in the analysis of the psychosocial phenomena. The essay has to be positively evaluated (= or > 18/30) in order to allow the access to the oral examination. Grade 18 (essential knowledge) will be obtained when answers show basic knowledge, without critical discussions or reference to specific experiences and research exemplifying concepts/topics. Grade 30 (excellent knowledge) will be obtained when answers show critical knowledge of the topic/concept, and good capacity to discuss relevant projects and research analysed during classes and in the texts.

2. Oral exam on a text chosen by the student from the proposed list or approved by the teachers. The oral examination is aimed to investigate in depth a specific topic among those illustrated during the course and will be evaluated from 0 to 2 grade points, that will be added to the mark of the written essay.

Active participation in class and completion of the group work assigned in class will contribute to the final grade up to 3 mark points. These points will be added to the grade of the written essay and the oral exam.

Non-attending students will take the written exam on the exam texts and may take the supplementary oral exam in the same manner as attending students (no bonus from group work/active participation is possible)

Erasmus students may ask to take the written and oral examination in English and on English-language texts. Prior arrangement with the lecturers is required.

In order to be admitted to the exam, students must register on the exam session on Almaesami considering the deadline. Students who are not able to register on Almaesami for technical reasons, should contact the teachers via email before the deadline of the registration.

During the exams calculation tools and vocabularies are not allowed.Compensatory tools for students with Specific Learning disorders are allowed, in accordance with the national regulations.

Teaching tools

PC, internet, power point, web resources, Unibo virtual learning environment

Office hours

See the website of Cinzia Albanesi


Good health and well-being Gender equality Reduced inequalities Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.