81786 - Relativistic Physics (A-L)

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Physics (cod. 9244)

Learning outcomes

The student will acquire and consolidate the basic concepts on the theory of special relativity with applications and exercises.

Course contents


Historical introduction and main landmarks in the development of the Special Theory of Relativity, the Galileian principle of relativity, inertial and non-inertial frames, the equivalence of inertial frames and the Galileain transformation.

The aberration of light, attempt to measure the dragging of aether, the experiments of Fizeau and Michelson-Morley. The Lorentz-FitzGerald contraction hypothesis, the increase of the mass of the electron with speed, the experiment of Kaufmann, Bucherer, Guye. Einstein proposal: the postulates of the theory of special relativity.

Relativistic Kinematics

The Lorentz transformation, the contraction of lenght and the time dilation. The transformation of velocity and acceleration, proper acceleration, Doppler effect and relativistic beaming.

Relativistic Dynamics

The definition of relativistic momentum and relativistic energy, the energy-mass equivalence, conservation of momentum and energy, transformation of momentum and energy, the zero-momentum frame of reference, Compton effect, transformation of force, the motion of a charged particle in a constant electric and magnetic fields.

Minkowski's space-time and four-vectors

Space-time and four-vectors, Lorentz transformations as rotations in space-time, Minkowski Diagram and geometric interpretation of relativistic effects, Mandelstam's variables.

Relativistic electrodymanics

The transformation of the electric and the magnetic field, covariant formulation of Lorentz's froce and Maxwell's equations, fields of a moving electric charge.



Lectures notes made available on the platform virtuale.

-- Relatività. Princìpi e applicazioni

Vincenzo Barone

(Bollati Boringhieri, 2021)

-- The Special Theory of Relativity – Foundations, Theory, Verification, Applications

Costas Christodoulides

(Springer, 2016)

-- Special Relativity

Valerio Faraone

(Springer 2014)

-- Relativity Matters

Johann Rafelski

(Springer 2017

Teaching methods

Lectures on the blackboard and exercises.

Teaching tools

Didactic material provided by the teacher and made available on the platform virtuale.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Alici