B2173 - Pedagogy of Health and Health Contexts

Academic Year 2023/2024

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Science Of Lifelong Educational Processes (cod. 8780)

Learning outcomes

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student knows: the pedagogical categories of health, care, lived body, professional reflexivity and accountability; the key features of communication between care professionals and patients/companions; the techniques of video analysis and analysis of social interaction in care settings.

She/he will be able to: critically reflect on the educational role of care professionals; apply autonomously the techniques of video analysis and analysis of social interaction in different educational and formative settings; critically reflect on the application of pedagogical knowledge in medical education; design autonomously a training program for care professionals.

Course contents

The course is comprised of different parts.

The first part is aimed at illustrating the key concepts of pedagogy of health and healthcare contexts such as the notions of health, care relationship, lived body (vs. biological body), professional reflexivity and accountability. Furthermore, the biomedical and biopsychosocial models of care as well as the normative model of “patient-centered care” will be critically discussed.

The second part of the course will focus on communication between healthcare professionals and patients/companions. The following core aspects of communication in healthcare contexts will be examined: the features of institutional interactions; the epistemic, deontic, and social asymmetries at play in medical visits; the doctor’s “hidden agenda”; the structure in phases and the relative institutional goals of doctors and patients. Furthermore, this part will address the crucial issue of medical education with a particular emphasis on the video-microanalysis of interactions as a powerful heuristic educational tool.

The other subsequent sections of the course will focus on: communication and interprofessionality in medical visits of unaccompanied foreign minors; communication in pediatric care; narrative medicine and the case of ICU diaries.


The program of the course and the assessment methods are different for attending and non-attending students.


The teacher will provide a list of readings during the course. The students are invited to choose and do an oral presentation based on these readings.


Mandatory readings:

1. Orletti Franca, Iovino Rossella (2018). Il parlar chiaro nella comunicazione medica. Carrocci.

2. Zannini, L. (2008). Medical humanities e medicina narrativa. Nuove prospettive nella formazione dei professionisti della cura. Raffaello Cortina.

3. Ghigi Rossella (2020). La costruzione sociale del corpo. In Mario Cardano, Guido Giarelli, Giovanna Vicarelli (a cura di), Sociologia della salute e della medicina (pp. 63-83). Il Mulino.

Teaching methods

The teacher’s lectures will be integrated with works in pairs or in groups, analysis of video recordings followed by discussions, peer tutoring exercises, and analysis of concrete cases. Students’ active participation in class is strongly encouraged.

Assessment methods


Attending students will do an oral presentation based on the selected readings.


Written exam: extended essay based on the mandatory readings. The exam will take place on EOL (esami online). During the day of the exam, students have to bring their personal laptop or tablet with a working wi-fi connection.

Teaching tools

Power Point, video, transcripts

Office hours

See the website of Letizia Caronia